CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

General Penis Anatomy

General Penis Anatomy

Understanding erectile dysfunction requires a basic knowledge of penis anatomy and the complex process of creating and sustaining an erection. An erection doesn’t just happen: it requires nerve impulses, muscles, and blood vessels to all work together. Interrupting the process at any stage can cause impotence. Penis anatomy is remarkably complex: the information on this page provides definitions for the most important parts.

Anatomy of the PenisThe Corpora Cavernosa
The corpora cavernosa are two chambers that fill most of the penis. The chambers are filled with a spongy tissue that includes muscles, open spaces, veins and arteries. An erection occurs when the corpora cavernosa become engorged with blood and expand.

The Tunica Albuginea
A membrane called the tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavenosa. This membrane helps keep blood in the penis during an erection.

The urethra is the tube through which urine travels. Ejaculate also travels through the urethra. It runs down the underside of the penis, beneath the corpora cavernosa and widens at its opening, called the meatus. The meatus is located at the glans (the head of the penis).

Corpus Spongiosum
The corpus spongiosum is a chamber that surrounds the urethra. It becomes engorged with blood during an erection.

The Prostate
The prostate is a small gland located in the pelvis. It surrounds the urethra and plays an important role in ejaculation. Sperm, which is produced in the testicles and stored in the seminal vesicles, is mixed with prostatic fluid and secretions from the bulbourethral gland to form semen. During ejaculation, semen is expelled through the urethra from the ejaculatory ducts.

The Mechanics of an Erection.

An erection begins with the nervous system. Messages from the brain travel to nerves within the penis and cause the penile muscles to relax. This relaxation allows blood to flow into the chambers of the corpora cavernosa. The pressure from the blood causes the chambers to expand, increasing the size and firmness of the penis. When the muscles contract, the blood flows out of the chambers, signaling the end of the erection.

Many factors are at work here: the nervous system, blood flow, and the action of muscles. Problems at any point in the process can shorten the duration of an erection or even prevent one from occurring. Many of those problems are physical, and are listed on the Medical Causes page.

Physical Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile dysfunction causes are most often physical in nature. Over seventy percent of all cases of erectile dysfunction are physical. Surgery, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, hypertension and a wide range of other diseases can cause it. Risk factors are cumulative: a man who has had prostate surgery and suffers from hypertension is at greater risk of erectile dysfunction than he would be if he only experienced one of the conditions.

Age and Erectile Dysfunction
Age has long been associated with sexual problems, and many men think that erectile dysfunction is simply a natural part of growing older. While the risk of impotence does increase with age, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a healthy sex life well into old age. Risk factors that can cause impotence increase as we age, but you shouldn’t assume that you’re “just getting old” if you experience erection problems. Treating the underlying cause can help you regain your sexual health.

Trauma, Surgery and the Prostate
The process of developing and maintaining an erection is a complex interplay of nerve impulses and blood flow. Damage to the nerve endings, muscles and arteries of the penis can disrupt the process. Prostate surgery or any surgery in the pelvic area may cause damage that leads to erectile dysfunction. Spinal cord injuries can also disrupt nerve impulses.

Neurological Erectile Dysfunction Causes
In addition to surgery and trauma, certain neurological disorders can affect nerves associated with erections. Multiple sclerosis and strokes, for instance, may cause nerve damage, as can chronic alcoholism. Diabetes can also damage nerves: between thirty to fifty percent of men with diabetes suffer some degree of erectile dysfunction.

Vascular Diseases
Blood flow is another important factor: if the penis cannot trap and store blood, an erection is simply not possible. Vascular diseases, including hypertension and heart disease, can alter blood flow enough to cause erection problems. Diabetes presents a double threat: the disease affects both blood flow and the nervous system.

Hypercholesterolemia is a condition of increased blood cholesterol, which greatly increases the chances of heart disease at an early age. The condition also increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. The excess cholesterol associated with hypercholesterolemia causes hardening of the arteries, which in turn affects blood flow.

Peyronie’s Disease
Many men have a slight curve to their erect penis. Men suffering from Peyronie’s disease develop a severe curve in the penis, which can make intercourse painful, or even impossible. The condition occurs when fibrous tissue or scar tissue builds up in the penis. Exactly how this tissue forms in unclear, although trauma of some sort is likely to blame. Peyronie’s disease occasionally causes erectile dysfunction, as the tissue interferes with the penis’ ability to retain blood. Surgical correction of Peyronie’s disease can cause damage to the penis, which can also lead to impotence.

Diagnosing Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction and difficulty maintaining an erection require a doctor’s diagnosis before treatment can begin. Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is a complex procedure: root causes may include inadequate testosterone levels, medical conditions, psychological factors or a lowered interest in intercourse. Both the cause and the nature of the sexual dysfunction must be identified.

Discussing erectile dysfunction is difficult for many men. Even some male doctors shy away from the topic. Maintaining an erection during intercourse is seen as an essential part of manhood and not being able to do so is not something most men want to admit to, even in the relatively safe confines of their doctor’s office. For this reason, only about ten percent of all men with erectile dysfunction seek medical help, and remain unaware of treatment options.

The Initial Examination

Besides undergoing a physical examination, you can expect to answer a lot of questions during your first doctor’s visit. Your doctor will develop medical, psychological, and sexual histories to help identify possible causes of your condition. Be as honest as you can: the more accurate your information, the more helpful it is to your doctor.

Erectile dysfunction was once considered primarily a psychological disorder, but recent research has revealed that physical disorders actually account for seventy percent of all cases. Report any existing medical condition. Both prescription and illegal drugs can prevent a man from maintaining an erection.

If your doctor suspects a physical cause, you will probably be sent for lab tests. Diagnosing erectile dysfunction often requires several tests, including measuring testosterone levels, blood tests and urine samples.

Specific Tests

A number of specific tests may be used during the diagnosis. During the physical exam, the doctor may test the penis for normal responses to touch. Failure to respond could indicate nerve damage.

Most men have involuntary erections while they sleep. You may be monitored for nocturnal erections. While not one hundred percent consistent as a diagnostic, an absence of erections while asleep often points to a physical cause. If you have erections while asleep but not while awake, a psychological cause could be the problem.

penile injection is one of the many tests that may be administered during a diagnostic workup for sexual dysfunction. Medications that cause the penile arteries to dilate are administered during a penile injection. This allows blood to flow into the penis, resulting in an erection. A penile injection allows the doctor to evaluate your capacity to achieve and maintain an erection.

Blood flow problems are often linked to erectile dysfunction. Your doctor may order an ultrasound to examine the penile arteries. The test allows the doctor to check for blood obstructions or irregularities in blood flow. The penis’s ability to trap blood for an erection is also observed. A cavernosography test may also be ordered. A dye is injected into the bloodstream so the doctor can view any problems with penile blood flow on the ultrasound.

Other Conditions

Other forms of sexual dysfunction can easily be confused with erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction has a very specific medical definition: the inability to maintain an erection long enough for intercourse, or the complete absence of an erection. Here are some conditions commonly mistaken for erectile dysfunction:

Premature ejaculation: This occurs when a man ejaculates before he intends to. Premature ejaculation rarely has a physical cause: anxiety and over-stimulation often cause the condition.

Delayed ejaculation: In this case, a man is either unable to ejaculate, or can only do so after prolonged intercourse. Like premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation usually has psychological origins.

Prolonged refractory period: The refractory period is the time span after ejaculation when a second ejaculation is simply not possible. This period varies from one man to another. Age tends to lengthen the refractory period.

Lack of sexual desire: An absence of sexual desire may be physical or psychological in nature. Low testosterone levels may impair the level of arousal. Emotional problems may also lower sexual desire.

Physical Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile dysfunction causes are most often physical in nature. Over seventy percent of all cases of erectile dysfunction are physical. Surgery, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, hypertension and a wide range of other diseases can cause it. Risk factors are cumulative: a man who has had prostate surgery and suffers from hypertension is at greater risk of erectile dysfunction than he would be if he only experienced one of the conditions.

Age and Erectile Dysfunction
Age has long been associated with sexual problems, and many men think that erectile dysfunction is simply a natural part of growing older. While the risk of impotence does increase with age, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a healthy sex life well into old age. Risk factors that can cause impotence increase as we age, but you shouldn’t assume that you’re “just getting old” if you experience erection problems. Treating the underlying cause can help you regain your sexual health.

Trauma, Surgery and the Prostate
The process of developing and maintaining an erection is a complex interplay of nerve impulses and blood flow. Damage to the nerve endings, muscles and arteries of the penis can disrupt the process. Prostate surgery or any surgery in the pelvic area may cause damage that leads to erectile dysfunction. Spinal cord injuries can also disrupt nerve impulses.

Neurological Erectile Dysfunction Causes
In addition to surgery and trauma, certain neurological disorders can affect nerves associated with erections. Multiple sclerosis and strokes, for instance, may cause nerve damage, as can chronic alcoholism. Diabetes can also damage nerves: between thirty to fifty percent of men with diabetes suffer some degree of erectile dysfunction.

Vascular Diseases
Blood flow is another important factor: if the penis cannot trap and store blood, an erection is simply not possible. Vascular diseases, including hypertension and heart disease, can alter blood flow enough to cause erection problems. Diabetes presents a double threat: the disease affects both blood flow and the nervous system.

Hypercholesterolemia is a condition of increased blood cholesterol, which greatly increases the chances of heart disease at an early age. The condition also increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. The excess cholesterol associated with hypercholesterolemia causes hardening of the arteries, which in turn affects blood flow.

Peyronie’s Disease
Many men have a slight curve to their erect penis. Men suffering from Peyronie’s disease develop a severe curve in the penis, which can make intercourse painful, or even impossible. The condition occurs when fibrous tissue or scar tissue builds up in the penis. Exactly how this tissue forms in unclear, although trauma of some sort is likely to blame. Peyronie’s disease occasionally causes erectile dysfunction, as the tissue interferes with the penis’ ability to retain blood. Surgical correction of Peyronie’s disease can cause damage to the penis, which can also lead to impotence.

Chemical and Psychological Impotence Causes

Although erectile dysfunction usually has a physical cause, thirty percent of impotence cases are of chemical or psychological origins. The cause may be as simple as an adverse reaction to medication. In spite of the long-standing belief that erectile dysfunction is “all in your mind,” only ten to twenty percent of impotence causes are psychological.

Antidepressants and Other Prescription Drugs
Erectile dysfunction may be caused by a long list of prescription drugs, including common antidepressants and antihistamines. MAO inhibitors, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), lithium and the various tricyclic antidepressants have all been linked to MED.

Sedatives, antipsychotic drugs, hypertension medications and corticosteroids have also been known to cause erectile dysfunction. Simply altering the prescribed dose or switching medications often resolves the problem.

Smoking, Alcoholism, and Drug Use
Substance abuse can cause long-term damage to the nervous system, which can in turn lead to erectile dysfunction. Smoking hardens arteries, affecting proper blood flow. Changes in blood flow can affect the penis’s capacity to store blood. Long-term alcohol abuse damages the nervous system and interferes with nerve signals necessary for maintaining an erection. Certain illicit drugs are also known to cause erectile dysfunction. These include heroin, marijuana and anabolic steroids.

Low Testosterone
Men with low testosterone levels can usually maintain an erection. Although low testosterone levels significantly lower a man’s sex drive and cause a loss of libido, the condition is not the same as erectile dysfunction and requires different treatment.

Depression and Other Psychological Considerations
Sexual performance can be affected by certain psychological factors. Of these, depression and anxiety appear to be the most common causes. Depression causes erectile dysfunction by affecting the brain’s ability to become aroused, effectively stopping an erection before it even starts. A certain level of relaxation is necessary to become aroused, so anxiety and stress can also prevent erections.

Some men become very anxious and worried about their sexual performance. This creates a vicious cycle. They worry that their sexual performance will not satisfy their partner, which prevents arousal and causes erectile dysfunction. This “failure” only makes them worry more about their sexual ability, and so on.

Secondary Psychological Conditions
Depression, anxiety and stress often present in men with erectile dysfunction. However, in many cases the psychological problems are the result of impotence, and not the actual cause. Erectile dysfunction puts a man under enormous stress and often leads to depression. Care must be taken to determine whether the emotional disorder is the cause or consequence of erectile dysfunction.

Fatigue is a common cause of impotence. A man who is run down physically and mentally is unlikely to be very interested in sex. Fortunately, most cases of fatigue-based impotence are temporary: resolve the fatigue and the impotence usually disappears. Many medical conditions can cause fatigue, so consulting with your doctor is essential.

Relationship Problems
Difficult or stressful relationships can also cause impotence. Resentment, anger or guilt directed towards your partner can cause erectile dysfunction, as can a lack of sexual interest in your partner. Generally, therapists prefer to treat both partners and work towards a solution for the couple.

A man may try to hide his impotence from his partner, who wonders why he no longer seems sexually interested. Difficult though it can be to admit to erection difficulties, being honest with your partner can help both of you avoid misunderstandings.

Erectile Dysfunction: Defining Sexual Disorders

Male erectile dysfunction, sometimes called impotence or simply MED, is defined as a consistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection. Many men occasionally experience this problem, either due to fatigue, emotional distress or illness. This is quite normal and usually temporary. If the problem persists, an underlying medical problem may be the cause.

Difficulty achieving erections and the negative effect this has on a couple’s sex life can devastate a man’s self-esteem and damage his relationship with his partner. Society equates the ability to perform sexually with manhood, so men suffering from erectile dysfunction are often ashamed of the condition and unwilling to seek professional help.

An estimated ten to twenty million men in the United States suffer from impotence, yet only ten percent ask their doctors for help. Erectile dysfunction is often caused by an underlying medical problem, however, and generally responds well to treatment.

Other Sexual Disorders

Erection difficulties are often confused with other sexual disorders. Problems such as premature or delayed ejaculation are actually very different from erectile dysfunction, and require different treatment methods. Men sometimes confuse a lengthy refractory period with erection problems. In fact, the refractory period is simply the time span following ejaculation when a second ejaculation is impossible. This period becomes longer with age.


The terms used to talk about erectile dysfunction are often confusing. Here’s a quick reference to terms you’ll probably hear:

Aphrodisiac: Any substance that increases sexual desire. Although many online products claim to be aphrodisiacs, very few have any effect on sex drive. Even a true aphrodisiac may not help treat erectile dysfunction, as underlying medical problems can cause the condition.

Endocrinology: The study of the endocrine glands. Endocrine glands produce hormones that affect sexual drive.

Impotence: A common term for erectile dysfunction. “Impotence” is not as clinically accurate a term as erectile dysfunction, and carries negative connotations of powerlessness and a lack of manhood. Most doctors prefer to use the term erectile dysfunction.

Libido: Libido is a person’s interest in sex. Emotional distress, illness and other factors can have a significant impact on libido.

Penile: A term meaning ‘of the penis.’

Testosterone: Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and is responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics.

Urology: Urology is the study of the urinary system, and of the male sex organs. A urologist is a specialist in urology.

Vascular Disease: A broad term for disease of the blood vessels (veins and arteries). The penis traps blood in order to become erect. Problems with blood flow often cause erectile dysfunction.

CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction and its remedies

Erectile dysfunction and its remedies

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the failure of a man to actualize or keep up an erection sufficient for his sexual requirements or the requirements of his associate. Erectile uselessness is some of the time called as “feebleness”.

The expression “erectile uselessness” can mean the powerlessness to actualize erection, a conflicting capacity to do along these lines, or the capability to realize just short erections.

Between 35 and 50 percent of men with diabetes encounter ED Lifestyle decisions that commit to coronary failure and vascular situations likewise raise the danger of Erectile Dysfunction.

Symptoms of Erectile dysfunction

The prevailing reasons incorporate:

1. Diabetes (heightened glucose)

2. Hypertension (heightened pulse)

3. Atherosclerosis (solidifying of the courses)

4. Stress, strain or misery

5. Liquor, smoking and tobacco utilization

6. Some doctor prescribed prescriptions, for example spark plugs, torment drug and drug for heightened circulatory strain

7. Weakness

8. Cerebrum or spinal-string wounds

9. Stroke

Herbal tips to overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction remedies are as follows:

1. Depleting natural arrangements to restore the conceptive organs is erectile dysfunction remedy.

2. Kneading the figure with natural oil which gives a help from physical effort and likewise fills in as Spanish fly.

3. Honing Yoga and Meditation to overcome mental effort and to adapt up to push.

4. Doze at any rate for 8 hours a day.

5. Escaping the utilization of firewater, tobacco, and heroin and so on.

6. Practice normally can also be an erectile remedy

7. Escape sultry, hot and biting nourishments.

8. Support sweets, milk features, nuts and urad dal.

9. Include small ghee in your eating methodology is also an erectile dysfunction remedy

10. Give a hole of four days between two successive intercourses

Hormonal Therapy

Hormonal therapy is an erectile remedy. An audit of legitimate consuming propensities is helpful when attempting to forestall erectile uselessness. Like all prescriptions, there are reactions. The victory of the medicine is extraordinarily influenced by the association between the patient and his associate. Taking into account the level of the hindrance, it might keep going from 5 to 20 sessions, one hour week by week or for each two weeks. Hormone supplanting is advantageous to restore the correct level. Determination for ED. Topiglan is in the manifestation of a cream which is connected with the penis and is comparative to a sexual enhancer. On the grounds that pills assimilates and forms quickly, they must be taken 30 minutes to a hour before intercourse. The vacuum narrowing apparatus comprises of an acrylic barrel which has a pump straightforwardly set at the close of the penis. They want to have this as a nasal spread. Once inside the penis, the penile prosthetics has an erect position however could be bended marginally to be kept beyond anyone’s ability to see. You will likewise require a hefty sum nourishing back gave by nourishment supplements. Drug therapy: Urethral Suppositories (MUSE). Vacuum Constriction Device. A lady’s outlook about Erectile Dysfunction

The female sex disguises the things occurrence around her and how they influence her. Exertions are controlled to raise the self-regard of the patient. At long last, might be the psychosocial examination utilizing meeting and approach-address system to get into the mental variable. Needle therapy utilizes fine robust needles to stay into certain purposes of the figure and by animating the aforementioned focuses; the form can oppose or overcome diseases by remedying the awkwardness. The symptoms Yohimbre are: heightened heart rate, circulatory strain and a feeling of dazedness, anxiety and fractiousness

Erectile Dysfunction treatment: Acupuncture

To begin with, we should describe the situation. ED connotes a powerlessness to get a sufficient erection to actualize acceptable intercourse.

Certain sufferers can’t get a ‘hard-on’ whatsoever. Others get one, yet it isn’t firm enough to enter the confederate. What’s more others can operate infiltration for a digit, yet then they lose it.

Men regularly look for regular erectile dysfunction treatment on the grounds that they offer medication to the humiliating condition with the slightest plausible reactions. By having the right erectile dysfunction help, they were able to guarantee an improved encounter in couch with their associate.

Acupuncture as an erectile dysfunction treatment

An in vogue characteristic cure that helps erectile dysfunction treatment is needle therapy, called Acupuncture. This has been utilized for a considerable length of time because of their accepted impacts.

Needle therapy is a conventional medicine has been around for a long time for the reason that it is accepted to carry different gainful impacts to the form, incorporating to help erectile dysfunction. This procedure works by empowering the body ability of opposing sicknesses by restoring it’s adjusted. This regular erectile dysfunction treatment might moreover treat conditions like rash discharge and frightful erections.

There are physiological updates that need an erection to happen. The aforementioned include the impression of arousal, the apprehensive framework, and veins. The aforementioned may as well all be ordinary so as to stand by an erection. Different elements incorporate stress, dejection, drug symptoms, and strain, which are acknowledged the nexus component to attaining an erection.

The impact of this characteristic to help erectile dysfunction fluctuates from individual to individual. Some may feel loose by it while others feel vivacious. In any case to masters, this aides in enhancing one’s blood course, an indispensable component to boosting erectile work. The aforementioned accepted impacts of the common medication, on the other hand, have carried debate as studies have indicated jumbled comes about to treating erectile brokenness.

In spite of its accepted impacts, needle therapy, and additionally different sorts of Chinese conventional prescription, has not been a reliable characteristic cure for erectile uselessness to maturing Chinese men. In light of the NIH Consensus Statement on Acupuncture, granted that they still depend on needle therapy and other Chinese universal prescription to treat different conditions.


There are few intricacies reported from individuals having needle therapy from over millions that are treated each year. Numerous have encountered the aforementioned entanglements for the most part from unsanitary or dishonorably cleaned needles. Provided that the aforementioned are dishonorably cleaned or unsanitary, contaminations and other unwanted impacts could happen.

Any time treating erectile brokenness, men may as well dependably be familiar with all plausible impacts of the medicine. There are male supplements ready today that could moreover treat the condition. Then again, the aforementioned ought to be counseled to a therapeutic master as they may connect with different pills or get unsafe if you’re under a certain sickness. Regular cures for erectile uselessness show up in numerous structures, yet they offer diverse comes about so deliberately pick the right one for you.

Erectile dysfunction remedies

Erectile dysfunction remedies: lifestyle changes and others

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the inability for males to maintain an erection firm enough for sex. If someone has stumbles into it every once in a while then he does not need then he does not need erectile dysfunction remedies. However if it happens continuously then it is a problem and requires intervention.

One of the most obvious erectile dysfunction remedies would be to get checked by a doctor. Sometimes these things are caused by other underlying symptoms. Diabetes and heart diseases are known to cause erectile dysfunction. Getting treated by a doctor properly may improve your case. You should not delay this checkup due to filling shy. These things happened to a lot of people and feeling awkward about it will achieve nothing.

Bad habits leads to erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction occurs in most men due to their life choices. Improving such conditions by selecting healthy lifestyle might solve their problem. Smoking is a known risk factor for erectile dysfunction. Tobacco hampers or slows the flow of blood in veins and arteries. Due to this the penis also receives limited amount of blood supple. If the victim quits smoking then his condition might change. Being overweight also has the same negative effect. Regular exercise is one of the best erectile dysfunction remedies that are available. Too much drinking also makes it hard to get an erection. Alcohol and drugs need to be avoided if you want a healthy sex life. If you are having such problems then you can ask help from your partner. An intimate partner can give enough support that helps fight erectile dysfunction. In any case you need to improve your communication with your partner. You can try couples or marriage counseling to help you bridge the gap.

Erectile dysfunction remedies and diagnosis

Erectile dysfunction remedies for anyone can be better identified after tests and diagnosis. The tests will help your physician narrow down the cause for your erectile dysfunction. The common physical exam usually involves checking the nerves for feeling in penis and testicles. Blood tests are commonly used to check diabetes and heart diseases. Urine tests may also reveal any existence of diabetes and other health factors. To check the blood flow in the penis an ultrasound test is performed. Many men have problem of getting erection while sleeping. This is a psychological problem. To test for it a victim has to sleep while wearing a special tape over the penis. If it was stretched during sleep then patient has a psychological problem.

CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction and Its Causes

Erectile Dysfunction and Its Causes

Physical Rather than Psychological Causes

Not many people know that, in most cases, it is physical rather than psychological causes which lead to erectile dysfunction, and it is most curable.

Erectile Dysfunction has been failed to be treated by all the branches of medicine due to the layout of their medical disciplines. It is the clinging to an old mindset which is responsible for this unfortunate situation.

The shortcomings of ignorance, myths, superstitions, stigma and taboos, which laymen relate to sexuality, are often believed to be the underlying cause. Compounding the problem is the old attitude of physicians who still believe that impotence is largely psychological in origin which prevents acceptable results.

These things are responsible for the fact that most cases of erectile dysfunction, as it is known by urologists, are not detected and the few which are detected are not properly managed. Surprisingly, many people hold the view that impotency is incurable due to their belief that the root cause is psychological in nature. This is very sad because most of the psychological causes of impotence cases are most curable.

Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, has always been considered a common disorder of middle-aged men. American studies suggest that 52% of men 40 to 70 years old have erectile dysfunction and yet only a fraction of them are diagnosed with the problem.

All or Nothing

Contrary to popular belief, the confusion is not an “all or nothing” matter. Laymen and even some doctors believe that a man can have trouble achieving an erection that is not good quality, or not at all. Nothing can be further from the truth. The majority of men who have erectile dysfunction can get an erection, but it is just not rigid or durable enough. Therefore, erectile dysfunction is a much better term (which refers to a partial disorder) than impotence (which means total failure). Many people are unaware that, in most cases, the problem also causes mental disorders and disturbances of potency.

However, this trend is changing slowly but surely. The change is largely due to the fact that, in recent years, advanced research in urology and andrology has shown that 80-90% of chronic disorders of potency were not a soul but a body disease. The reasons can be found in modern urology-andrology research which defined and often successfully treated individuals without using psychological methods.

In such an age where almost all branches of medicine are experiencing enormous progress, it is surprising that research concerning the male reproductive system is not so well known.

Primary Causes of Impotence:

Primary impotence (congenital – present at birth)

Secondary impotence (after years of normal sex)

Secondary Causes of Impotence:

Diabetes mellitus

Hypertension (high blood pressure)


Kidney Disease

Heart failure

Neurological disorders, multiple sclerosis, stroke, paraplegia

Injury: Pool, Gati trauma

Injuries (chronic): Competitive cycling

Surgery, rectum, bladder, retroperitoneal fibrosis, spine, urethra, prostate, etc

Local changes: Peyronie’s disease

Medication: Hypertension drugs, gastric ulcers, central nervous system drugs

The History

Two determining factors for the erroneous thinking concerning impotence can be distinguished. Throughout history, most societies were patriarchal and structured around the dominant male. The male ego cannot admit that something is wrong. Ironically, these are the same men who explored the female reproductive system and helped develop the special field of gynecology which does not include looking at male sexual problems.

The second reason is that the teachings of Sigmund Freud were misunderstood. This led to the incorrect conclusion that man’s sexual problems are rooted in the soul.

Types of Impotence

Coronary Artery Disease and Erectile Dysfunction

Arterial Origin:

Arterial failure is when the penile arteries do not supply enough blood to create or maintain an erection. This is due to the narrowing of the arteries which commonly occurs in older people.

Hypertonic stress can result from diabetes or genital injury and afterwards the penis can be damaged arterially. This latter often occurs at a young age. The injury may be acute or chronic such as occurs in a car or a pool accident where a pubic bone fracture occurs. The latter is common in competitive bicycle racing. The pelvic and pubic areas receive constant irritation and micro trauma occurs. Scars are created which then cause erosion of the arteries in these areas.

Impotence of arterial origin is detected only later under thorough examination. It is only then that signs of the narrowing of the arteries are observed.

venous origin as a cause for erectile dysfunction

Venous Origin:

A penile erection cannot be completed due to the escape of blood via the draining veins. Normally, the veins of an erected penis are almost completely emptied of blood. This mechanism causes the blood to collect in the sinus of the penis, increasing the necessary pressure to develop an erection.

There are men whose potency is derived from venous disorders (primary) at birth. These men can never have a perfect erection in their lives. Other male potency disorders occur from venous origins after years of normal sex (secondary).

penis anatomy neurogenis causes for erectile dysfunction


The nerve supply to the penis is very sophisticated and complicated. The proper flow of impulses is very important in causing erections and sustainability. These nerves trigger the arteries and veins of the circulatory system to change the rhythm of blood flow.

Nerve supply to the penis is a very fragile system. Spinal injuries, particularly if the spinal cord is affected, may interfere with potency. The same can occur from other physical damage to the penis nerves, i.e. after trauma.

Certain surgeries which are performed in the pelvic area might also result in either psychological or nerve damage. Erectile dysfunction and impotence can be caused by the resulting confusion. Such surgeries which may cause this condition are rectum, prostate, spine and radical bladder surgery.

Diabetes is an insidious disease that largely affects the nerves of the penis and causes erectile dysfunction. Low sugar is extremely common in potency disorders with their proportions reaching 50% of those having diabetes. Diabetes is a treatable but not curable disease in today’s medical world and it endures through the life of the patient. Therefore, diabetic impotence can only be treated but not cured (except for replacement).

Endocrine (hormonal) Origin:

This occurs when normal hormonal balance is swayed to an unbalanced ratio of sex hormones. Such a case occurs in 5-10% of impotence sufferers. Recent clinical research, however, has shown that hormone levels change because of the libido (sexual desire manifested in the mind) has a negative impact on an erection.

Mixed factors - diabetes and hypertension as a cause for erectile dysfunction

Mixed Factors:

Sometimes, several factors may be present in the same patient simultaneously. It should be noted that multiple disorders such as diabetes, liver or kidney problems and high blood pressure can work together in causing impotence.

Also, central nervous system medications used to treat secondary psychiatric disorders such as depression can cause erectile dysfunction.

Psychic Origin:

When no organic factor is present and the only problem is rooted in the soul, this is called psychic origin of potency disorder. However, urology and andrology techniques are necessary to exclude the presence of an organic cause prior to psychological treatment.

Natural Erectile Dysfunction Remedies

Being at the peak of their sexual prowess is a matter of pride and satisfaction for many men. However, every once in a while they can suffer from a case of erectile dysfunction, which prevents satisfactory or any kind of sexual intercourse with a partner. In such cases, trying some erectile dysfunction remedies is a good idea. Depending on the cause of the problem, there are a number of remedies available.

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Psychological Causes

For a number of men, being under mental pressure or facing psychological distress can lead to erectile dysfunction. It starts off with performance anxiety, which can gradually escalate into further issues. At this time, erectile dysfunction remedies are best used in a way that can soothe the mind and body both.

Men who suffer from depression and accompanying issues such as low self esteem or a sense of worthlessness are frequently diagnosed as having erectile dysfunction. If there is no sense of worth, then the libido tends to suffer. Over a longer period of time, this becomes chronic in nature. Usually, such factors enhance the existing effect of physical factors behind dysfunction. In such cases, erectile dysfunction remedies are used towards modification of the emotional buildup.

Stress tends to increase the loss of libido in men, which prevents them enjoying a fulfilling sex life. Often enough, a number of failures occuring in business or other inter-personal relationships makes men feel impotent. It produces an emotional reaction which is acccompaniesd by a pressured mind. Such anxiety and stress can manifest itself into performance anxiety. This usually ends with a case of premature ejaculation, that slowly turns into a vicious cycle.

Physiological Causes

An erection occurs when blood moves towards the pelvic region of the body and moves into the penis. When the muscle becomes engorged with blood, it becomes stiff and hard. However, certain physical illnesses or physiological problems can interfere with the flow. Erectile dysfunction remedies take into account such causes and then provide the best possible treatment.

Vascular disease often accounts for erectile dysfunction in a number of men. Because of the disorder, the arteries that carry blood tend to become hard and narrow down. As a result, the overall flow is reduced to the penis. In fact, many men above the age of 50 years may find this to be their cause. Having diabetes and high cholesterol levels are conditions that further aggravate the disease. Smoking has also been linked to arteriosclerosis, which prevents the blood from flowing naturally. And so, erectile dysfunction remedies often take into account lifestyle changes.

Many of the medications and drugs that are prescribed for common ailments may be the cause of erectile dysfunction. In such cases, the excessive use of the medication or simply the side effects lowers libido and prevents an erection from forming fully. Anxiety and stress combines with the lowered drive and leads to dysfunction. Simple erectile dysfunction remedies for such a cause are geared towards making a change in the medication and reducing the usage as much as possible. It is best to consult a doctor during this time.

A number of nerves in the pelvic region are necessary for an erection to occur. If any kind of pelvic trauma or injury takes place that temporarily or permanently damages these nerves, then erectile dysfunction occurs. This could occur due to a sudden fall or injury, as well as being a side effect of surgery in the colon, bladder, rectum or the prostate region.

Home Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

Checking Your Prescription – If you have been prescribed medication for a disorder or various other problems for over a year, it may be time to check the prescription. A high dosage is usually not required after a few months if the condition is under check. Excessive usage may lead to erectile dysfunction, something that you should talk to your doctor about.

Learning To Relax – Living a stressed out life, full of anxieties at work and home is not conducive to a happy or active sexual life. Being able to relax and remove the worries from your mind is one of the best erectile dysfunction remedies. One simple way to do this is by practicing breathing exercises. Similar to yoga, but the main aim is to bring yourself into focus and concentrate on remaining peaceful. Exercising regularly can also help in the process. Talk short and brisk walks in a calm area instead of heading to the gym. It should allow the mind to focus elsewhere.

Reducing Performance Anxiety – Being quite drunk or simply being under a lot of stress can lead to an occasional case of erectile dysfunction. However, it can reduce the confidence of a man and become a cycle in which the anxiety to perform becomes the cause of the failure to do so. Honest communication with your partner at this time is one of the best erectile dysfunction remedies. Instead of immediate sexual intercourse, start from simple forms of foreplay and build yourself up to the point of having intercourse.

At this time, don’t be afraid to break away from routine and try out something new and different. New positions can be of great help, especially if you are suffering from pelvic injuries or trauma. Such kind of behavior modification allows the men to put away their anxiety and concentrate on the pleasure of being with their partner.

Sexual Enhancement Medication – Till the anxiety remains, men can try using medication such as Viagra to help them achieve an erection. It is one of the popular erectile dysfunction remedies since it allows the man to concentrate on themselves instead of the disorder.

Natural Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

If you’re still looking for some natural remedies that can help with the erectile dysfunction, you are in luck. Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can bring about a world of difference in your sexual health. Some of these are quite simple to follow. Considering how alcohol has a negative effect on the erection, make sure you don’t drink a few hours before having sexual intercourse. The same goes for smoking and heavy exercising.

As far as lifestyle changes go, there are some things that can be done different. Exchange your tight, form fitting jeans for loose pants or trousers instead. Too much pressure on the pelvic region can make the blood ways constrict for a short while. Keep your laptop as far away from the pelvis as possible. Since the laptops generate a great deal of heat, they may damage the sperm which are supposed to mature at 2 to 3 degrees lower to the body temperature.

Among the many different herbs and natural food items that can affect sexual health, garlic makes for wonderful erectile dysfunction remedies. Many nutritionists believe that having two or three cloves cooked well and consumed before a meal can be of great benefit. Herbs such as Ashwagandha have been known to improve potency and stamina in bed as well.

The main idea behind utilizing natural remedies and cures is to provide a back up for the medication or behavior therapy that a doctor can prescribe. For most men under the age of 50, the problem does clear up on its own after a while. However, being well versed with the erectile dysfunction remedies is a boon that they can utilize well.

CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Impact of Erectile Dysfunction to Relationships

Impact of Erectile Dysfunction to Relationships

Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual dysfunction, which occurs in one in every ten men. Also called “impotence” the inability of a man to start and maintain an erection prevents a male person from starting or completing sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction can have a tremendous effect on one’s relationship resulting from a sense of loss or inadequateness making communication and affection rather difficult. When not properly addressed, the difficulty to have an erection can result in a psychological depression well as failed relationships.

The initial impact of an erectile dysfunction among men is embarrassment and guilt. Not being able to have or maintain an erection leaves a deep sense of loss or inadequateness in not being able to perform a biologically exacted function that has something to do with either social perceptions of manhood or one’s expected masculinity or sexual identity.

Sometimes the embarrassment goes deeper that a person with erectile dysfunction would refuse to talk about it and cause a communication gap with his partner. When the partner’s sexual or affective needs are not met without knowing his erectile difficulty, she experiences a sense of emptiness or worthlessness.

This sense of emptiness or worthlessness on the part of the woman and the embarrassment and guilt on the part of the man can cause serious loss of intimacy and contribute to the instability of the relationship.

But it is not only the sexual relationship that is at stake when a man suffers from erectile dysfunction. The absence of sexual intimacy can result in the loss of personal intimacy and affection and if aggravated, it can end up in conflict and misunderstanding. Failure to start or complete sexual intercourse can eventually cause a man to stop having sex altogether.

On the other hand, if the partner does not understand the condition of her husband, she would start to believe that the man is starting to lose interest in her. In this way, erectile dysfunction affects mutual trust and intimacy as well as diminishes self-esteem and creates feelings of unattractiveness.

Feelings of frustration and humiliation is also common among men with erectile dysfunction can lead to personal devastation and loneliness of both man and woman because of the inability to fulfill their sexual as well as affective needs.

Men with erectile dysfunction need more emotional support from their partner. Giving physical signs of assurance and emotional support can help compensate with the emotional emptiness and sexual gap in order to prevent the couple from gradually separating themselves not only physically but furthermore even physically.

By dealing together the problem of erectile dysfunction can address problems of self-esteem and mutual trust and enable them to have an enriching relationship.

Relationship problems resulting from erectile difficulties can properly be addressed with the help of a marriage counselor. Since compensating sexual difficulties with acts of empathy or affection may not be enough, seeking medical treatment and medications like Viagra can be helpful in order for the couple to have a healthy sexual life.

But it is important to take note that Viagra does not treat erectile dysfunction but it only allows the man in getting and maintaining an erection temporarily and it is far more important to deal more maturely and openly about other emotional or relationship problems.

Nevertheless, every opportunity to have a normal sexual act, even with the help of medication like Viagra can do a lot in order to restore romance and enrich a couple’s relationship. With open communication and mutual understanding, erectile dysfunction may not have to spell the end of a sexual relationship after all.

Viagra in Women

Since its introduction in the late 1990s by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc., Viagra, a pill used to allow erectile ability in persons experiencing erectile dysfunction, has been an overnight medical phenomenon. This drug which contains Sildenafil allows a person to have an erection by enhancing the natural process that leads to a penile erection. When sexually aroused, specific tissues in the penis begin to relax allowing for an increased blood flow into the penis and once fully inflated, it becomes erected. Viagra helps this natural process by increasing the amount of the chemical that allows the tissues to relax and improves the level of blood flow into the penis.


Although it was originally tested for men and used to remedy male erectile dysfunction, recent studies, especially those undertaken by Centre for Sexological Research in the University of Catania in Italy, shows that Viagra might also help women who are probably experiencing a similar case of sexual dysfunction, that of the inability of women to achieve enough sexual excitement or to maintain sexual arousal during sexual intercourse. This recent development contradicts earlier studies that concluded that the drug resulted in little improvement among women who took the drug.


Recent studies shows that in the same way that the occurrence of sexual dysfunction is higher among women than among men, use of Viagra by women can help improve chances of sexual arousal and the ability to reach orgasm. In men, Viagra works by improving blood flow to the penis. Since the penis and the clitoris are parallel genital organs, the clitoris can be stimulated the same way the penis achieves erection especially since an erect clitoris is important in achieving female orgasm.


But conclusive studies on the use of Viagra among women still have a long way to go. While continued use of Viagra has make significant improvements of genital lubrication, female orgasm and clitoral sensation even among postmenopausal women, several of them also reported clitoral discomfort and hypersensivity in the female genitalia resulting in little significant improvement in the sexual function. One specific problem, for example is pelvic congestion which is analogous to a painful prolonged erection among men and a common side effect in some men taking Viagra. Despite this however, prospects for female use of Viagra remain promising as ways to reduce side effects are now being explored in order to heighten the sexual ability of women.


The use of Viagra among women however remains controversial. Those who are against female use of Viagra believes that women are not only physiological different but also psychological unlike men in their sexuality considering that what mean want and desire and what feels good to them are different from what men want and desire. Female sexuality is considered to be a lot more complex than the male sexual system.


Earlier in 2006, Pfizer, the make of Viagra, announced that it was ending its research on the use of Viagra among women. But this did not prevent other research institutes from pursuing studies on use of Viagra among women and other means to heighten the experience of sexual pleasure among woman.

CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Top 20 ways to treat erectile dysfunction at home and all about the causes of its appearance

Definition of the term

Erectile dysfunction (ED) – this is a violation of the male genital organ, in which his combat readiness and rigidity are insufficient to make a full love affair with a woman.

In the future we will write abbreviated ED.

What experts help in matters of this ailment:

  • urologists;
  • sex therapists;
  • psychotherapist (if the ailment is psychological in nature).

Main symptoms

  1. closure of proximity too fast;
  2. attraction to a beloved woman disappears;
  3. the combat readiness of the male organ may disappear or appear, there is no continuity;
  4. insufficient hardness and lethargy of the penis;
  5. the man does not show initiative for intercourse;
  6. dulling of former sensations;
  7. a decrease in the frequency of morning and night erections is also a symptom of weak or already neglected erectile dysfunction;
  8. a man avoids intimacy and finds all kinds of excuses.


There are 3 types of ED depending on the appearance:

  • Organic. It comes gradually against the background of a disease. The attraction to women does not disappear, but during intercourse, the rigidity of the organ may suddenly disappear.
  • Psychogenic. It comes quite unexpectedly. But at the same time, combat readiness during intimacy is maintained.
  • Mixed. ED originates from the combined organic and psychological factors.

Top remedy for your friend’s stamina

Causes of the disorder

1. Organic

Problems of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels

  • hypertension
  • disruptions in arterial and venous blood flow;
  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vasculitis can also cause erectile dysfunction. ​

Decreased testosterone levels, malfunctions of the endocrine system

  • diabetes;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • prostate surgery;
  • menopause (low testosterone is one of the symptoms of male menopause);
  • prostate adenoma;
  • excess weight.

Drug abuse

  • drug use;
  • taking harmful drugs that change the hormonal background;
  • taking steroids and anabolics. ​

Disorders of the nervous system and spine

  • trauma to the lower back or spine;
  • infringement of the spinal cord;
  • hernia in the lower back;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • epilepsy.

Violations of the male reproductive system and the work of its organs

  • circumcision or other surgical interventions;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bruises and burns of the penis. ​

2. Psychological

  • uncomfortable location for closeness is also an occasion and one of the main reasons for psychological erectile dysfunction, the treatment of which is made by choosing a more peaceful place;
  • severe psychological stress, depression, or stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • conflict with a girl;
  • psychological childhood injuries;
  • fear of failure;
  • low self-esteem;
  • first night with a new partner;
  • limiting beliefs.

3. Mixed and others

  • irregular sex life;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • adverse environmental factors.

Statistics of the appearance of ED depending on age

With age, the risk of an ailment only increases.

  • under 21 years old – 5%;
  • 21-30 years old – between 10 and 30%;
  • 30-40 years old – between 30 and 40%;
  • 40-50 years old – between 40 and 50%;
  • 50-60 years – between 50 and 60%;
  • from 60 years – between 60 and 80%.

A drug to stably surprise her in bed

20 ways to fix the problem

We will analyze in detail 20 methods for treating erectile dysfunction at home.

1. Choose the position where your body is in an upright position ​

  • Lie on your back while intimacy with your beloved – worst pose for men suffering from a problem on the topic that their boyfriend is naughty and soft.
  • This is because blood outflow from the body comes stronger according to the law of attraction.
  • If you are lying on top and already getting on your stomach, then there is a big risk of quickly reaching the finish line and losing the firmness of manhood.
  • It’s better use positions where you don’t lie at all. You are either on your knees or on your feet, most importantly, body located upright, and blood flow to the organ will be much better. ​

2. Technique for replacing the harness by grasping at the base

  1. The essence of the method in the fact that with the onset of an erection, you wrap your fingers around your base at the base. This especially helps those whose friend is sluggish and combat readiness is quickly lost.
  2. In this way, blood will not leave your dignity, will persist its hardness. Deploy and use this technique to get less questions about what it is. – erectile dysfunction in men.
  3. Embrace usually large, index and medium with a finger with medium strength. Many have seen how to apply tourniquets during bleeding so as not to lose a lot of blood. This is about the same pattern. Use it wisely.

3. Perform the technique «Kidney energy enhancement» ​

  • The technique is performed on the toilet when you go there on a small one. It consists in the fact that you emit a stream of liquid, tiptoe, while straightening your back and not slouching.
  • You also need to strain your buttocks and press, intentionally letting out more fluid as you exhale.
  • By what jet power, you will evaluate the level of your skills in bed. If everything ends with his lethargy and dripping, then the male potential in bed is not in the best condition.
  • Frequent implementation of the technique strengthens your kidneys, helps to avoid a quick finish. Why sometimes there is no stamina in bed, we wrote in another guide.

4. Do special exercises ​

What areas of the body need to be trained

The main focus of training should be to strengthen the following areas of the body:

  • pelvic muscles;
  • buttock;
  • abdominal muscles
  • press;
  • lower back area;
  • waist.


The strength and tone of these muscles will help to stay in bed longer, improve blood circulation to the main organ and increase male strength. ​

Exercise examples

We will analyze in detail the question of which exercises for erectile dysfunction and treatment of this ailment are most often used.

  1. Abdominal Exercise. Sitting on the floor we fix the legs we begin to raise and lower the body. Repeat movements until pleasant fatigue occurs. It pumps the muscles of the abdomen. A strong press talks about your abilities in bed.
  2. 45 degree tilt. You need to lie on your back, lifting your legs up 90 degrees. Now we begin to lower both legs first to the left by 45 degrees, and then also to the right, without rushing anywhere. Repeat the procedure about 10 times.
  3. Boat. A well-known exercise, the essence of which is that while lying on your stomach, we begin to raise and pull your hands forward and feet back so that only your stomach touches the floor. We hold on as much as we can and return to the starting position.
  4. Bike. Especially useful in the morning. Lying on the bed, we begin to turn the air pedals of an invisible bicycle. There should be a pleasant feeling of fatigue in the abdominal area.
  5. Raising and lowering the pelvis. We find support at the elbows on the edge of the sofa, the body forward, the legs bent at the knees, resting on the feet. We start with an open mouth to raise and lower the pelvis, simulating the reciprocating motion. There will be a slight tension in the inguinal muscles – a sign of proper exercise.
  6. Shazhochki on the buttocks. We sit at the back point, hands, bent at the elbows, you can stretch in front of you, legs forward. Now, we step by step with each buttock with maximum amplitude and length. A good sign if it gets hot from doing.
  7. Squats. Everyone knows squats with a straightened back, which everyone did and can do.

On our site you can read about all the exercises to increase potency.

5. Apply the method «Muscle compression» behind

The next technique for men on how to treat erectile dysfunction at home is through daily exercise of the pubic-coccygeal muscle.

  1. Inhale your nose air and begin to absorb the anus and the muscles around it, do not exhale air.
  2. You squeeze all these muscles are the same as when you try to restrain the bowels.
  3. Compress with the greatest the power you can to get effective results. On a leisurely exhale, you remove tension in the muscles and completely relax.
  4. After a pleasant heat behind and in the perineum. It means that everything is done correctly. In detail about the pubic-coccygeal muscle we talked about in another article.

Pros of Frequent Exercise:

  • libido and energy awakens in the pelvic area;
  • the psyche relaxes;
  • prostate massage;
  • the ability to delay a premature finish appears (techniques for delaying the finish are described here);
  • the male genitalia becomes stronger.

6. Know the secret of morning testosterone levels

Use this 6th secret in the early morning to worry less about what to do with mild erectile dysfunction in young or adult men.

  • Studies show, that men’s testosterone levels are highest in the morning after waking up. By evening, testosterone levels are falling. This rule applies to 80% of men.
  • Build your day so that to get up in the morning, have breakfast and again go back to bed with your beloved. Be aware that your results will be better in the morning.

7. Recommended menus from breakfast to dinner for male strength ​

Breakfast No. 1

  • Porridge, milk.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Bread rolls.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Curd.
  • It will be useful to give up coffee and drink tea from herbs.

Breakfast No. 2

  • Yogurt or juice from tomatoes.
  • Lentil soup with bread.
  • Vegetable Salad
  • Lean meat or fish.
  • Curd.
  • Fresh juice.
  • Nuts.


  • Vegetable salad.
  • Fish meat or chicken without fat.
  • Baked Potato or Brown Rice.
  • Boiled corn.

For dinner

  • The lowest fat milk.
  • Varenets.
  • Yogurt.
  • Fruits.

We also wrote earlier on the site about other products to increase potency in men.

Let us examine the question of the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with drugs. What helps?

8. Medicines

  1. Products of partners of our site;
  2. Kapikachu;
  3. Viagra;
  4. Cialis.

We also talked about similar tips on the topic in an article on why an erection disappears during sex.

9. Vacuum pumps

There are special vacuum pumps that are applied to the genitals. In it, air is pumped out with a small pump, and the pressure created there makes come on alert your buddy.

Simply put, vacuum, created there enhances blood flow into dignity, and due to this, it swells. This method also gives its positive effect.

10. Food of the goddess of love Aphrodite

This is what food is called because it contains special substances. – aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiacs – this substances that increase sexual desire and abilities in bed.

At home, the treatment of erectile dysfunction and the causes of its appearance is feasible and due to some special products, dishes.

These foods include

  • banana desserts;
  • wild honey;
  • garlic in dishes;
  • goat milk;
  • shrimp, crabs and other seafood;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley;
  • artichokes;
  • cinnamon;
  • mussels;
  • cod;
  • dried fruits;
  • walnuts;
  • camel milk.

11. Take hot and cold baths

  • Start off need a hot bath. Then go cold. Each bath should be about two minutes.
  • About temperature cold water – it should be moderately cold, then gradually after getting used to it, you can lower the temperature.
  • For the process to be fruitful, you need change hot to cold baths 6 times, that is, only 12 alternations.
  • Plus is, that it improves blood circulation and also increases the production of hormones in the body. Using a contrast shower or bath will be one of your effective solutions to the question of how to cure erectile dysfunction at home. We give similar advice in another publication.

12. Raisin broth in milk

  1. Black raisins are thoroughly washed and allowed to boil in milk in a ratio of 30 grams per 300 ml, respectively.
  2. Remove from heat after boiling and allow to cool.
  3. Such a mixture can be consumed once a day, eating raisins cooked in milk and washed down with milk.

13. A mixture of walnuts

Take a handful of walnuts, peel and eat either with honey, pre-chopped, or eat whole, washed down with goat milk nuts themselves.

For lovers of natural gifts, we also wrote a detailed article about folk remedies to increase potency.

14. Buckwheat porridge according to a special recipe. ​

  1. Take buckwheat, clean it and very well washed, changing water several times. Peeled and washed buckwheat pan flooded already boiled water.
  2. The mixture is allowed to stand overnight. The next morning, get rid of the water. Then buckwheat is poured kefir with the least fat content.
  3. Give up from adding various spices to the dish in the form of salt and other seasonings.
  4. You can eat porridge as many times a day as you want.
  5. Many do not pay enough attention to their diet and eat everything in a row: fatty, fried. It must be understood that this erectile dysfunction in men thus acquires only greater power.

15. Pumpkin or Melon Seeds ​

  • Useful pumpkin seeds and also melon seeds. You can choose any of the seeds and well clear. For example, in a coffee grinder.
  • Powdered seeds can be eaten with honey or so easy to drink water one teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and after dinner.

16. Carrot broth

Peeled carrots through a fine grater. Take already boiled milk and mashed carrots in a ratio of two tablespoons per glass, respectively, and are mixed.

The resulting mixture is kept on a weak fire about 15 minutes. Then you can let it cool and drink three times during the day.

17. Garlic and onions

The next way to treat erectile dysfunction with folk remedies in men is to cook and eat various dishes along with garlic or onions.

  • Garlic and onions help increase masculine strength. They can be added to salads as an ingredient, eat a few onions a day when you eat soups or other heavy meals.
  • Onions can be cut into rings, and garlic is usually finely chopped, and this can be added to various meat dishes.
  • If you have thoughts about smell after eating garlic, then it can be removed parsley, which is also useful for male disorders.

18. Do not forget to jog ​

The benefits of running are great. At least if you give it to 30-40 minutes per day, the result will not be long in coming.

You can run on the treadmill, choosing a pace that is convenient for yourself.

Running improves circulation in the pelvis, blood better fills male dignity and improves its hardness.

19. Give up bad habits

To treat mild erectile dysfunction, when your male libido is half weakened, it is recommended to abandon old bad habits.

What should be discarded:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol
  • fatty or fried foods;
  • caffeine (it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices instead).

20. Preventive measures

  1. Exercise as often as possible activity. This will prevent stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Do not give up walking, do gymnastics.
  2. During intimacy with a beloved elderly Not recommended lose seed often. Men aged are recommended to come to the finish less often. You will see how many advantages this will give you in terms of energy, well-being and potential for the following caresses in bed.
  3. Help solve the problem faster monogamous relationship with one beloved woman. The constancy of relationships and feelings will greatly help you.
  4. Be with your woman in one team, and not in different. Communicate with each other, listen, ask questions and give feedback to each other. A beloved girl can both help accelerate the restoration of male power, and suppress because of her conviction and reproach.
  5. Loads both for the psyche and the body should be moderate, do not forget to take the time to just take a break from the routine and unload your head from work.
  6. Don’t let Obesity and make sure that you are not overweight. And for this, in addition to playing sports, you need to monitor your nutrition.

That’s all. Now you know a lot about drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men and about effective techniques for eliminating this disorder and raising libido.

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CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction – Pills for Short Term Help

It is a good idea to get help of all different kinds when it comes to dealing


Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

with your impotence problem. For the most part, getting pills for the short term is going to help you to have a much better and safer time at the end of the day. There is nothing that says these pills are going to be harmful for your system and in fact, most times it is not harmful at all. You want to make sure you are getting the pills that you need in order to have a happy and successful life.

This will make your life a lot easier. Pills can be purchased cheaply as well, which provides you with another excuse to get the short term help that you need from your doctor. If you are not interested in getting short term pills, you need to make sure and get all of the things taken care of that you need in order to have a happy and successful life. There are only a few things that really matter when it comes to taking the right amount of pills for your future.


Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

If you can get the pills that you need taken care of, there will be few or no problems to deal with. Make sure you can do this as soon as you can and you will not be worried about anything else. Pills are not a long term solution, but they can help you to fix the problem in the long term with hard work and having sex as often as possible. As strange as it may sound, fixing it on the short term basis can help in the long term at the same time. Make sure you take this into consideration at all times and you’ll be very happy with the results.

Erectile Dysfunction – Can ED Be Caused By Diet?


Image courtesy of [Ambro] /

Image courtesy of [Ambro] /

Most men who have erectile dysfunction do not spend enough time analyzing the reasons why they have the condition and the ways that they might be able to solve their issue. Even though the vast majority of men who are dealing with erectile dysfunction are not able to really make a difference in the way that they do things, some are able to recognize that diet plays a significant role and they can really alter the way that they function. This is a great way to get over your problems and at the end of the day, it is a perfect method for advancement.

Diet is key when it comes to erectile dysfunction because it can help you to get over your problem in a split second. There are a few things that you need to consider if you want to make sure and get your problem taken care of as quickly as possible. First of all, make sure that you are focused on getting your erectile dysfunction problem fixed through your diet. This can be done by removing all the heavy read meat products that are in your diet and instead trying to find something else that is going to give you a much better perspective on things at the end of the day. While it is hard to get rid of some of these foods, it is a far better method.


Image courtesy of [Ambro] /

Image courtesy of [Ambro] /

While you might think that there are many methods of getting rid of your erectile dysfunction problem, you are probably right. However getting rid of the issue through diet alone is one of the best methods that you can take in order to be successful at the end of the day. There are few things more important than being able to get the diet sorted with the help of a doctor.

Erectile Dysfunction – Links Between Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Disease


Image courtesy of [Ambro] /

Image courtesy of [Ambro] /

There have been countless studies over the past few years with regards to erectile dysfunction and many of the other common problems that men face. Heart disease is one of the common corollary problems that men are facing on a daily basis, which has a significant impact on the erectile dysfunction. In the following article, we will give you an entire rundown of why it is that people have problems with erectile dysfunction when they also have a history of heart disease. This should hopefully be used as a way to change your life and avoid heart disease in the first place.

Heart Disease and ED

You see, the main reason that erectile dysfunction occurs is the blood that flows from the body to the penis. The blood that cannot get to the penis provides no erection and then causes a huge problem for the male. Therefore, those who have heart disease have a weak blood flow, which as we have just explained, is the cause of the erectile dysfunction problem.

The way that you can improve this aspect of your life is to avoid foods that will clog the arteries and the blood vessels. Try to eat foods that are not filled with fat and sugar, but instead vegetables and fruits. These things will both be useful for getting rid of the existing fat and also making sure that no more is added while you are trying to slim down.


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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

It is important to maintain a healthy exercise fitness as well. Once you can get a healthy fitness routine, you can get rid of the fat that is building in your system that is preventing you from getting an erection. Once you see the links between erectile dysfunction and heart disease, you will have a much easier time with life.

Erectile Dysfunction – Is Erectile Dysfunction Forever?


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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

Anyone who has had erectile dysfunction has one question on their minds at all time. Is the condition forever? There are some people who deal with erectile dysfunction for the rest of their lives until they just have had enough and give up. In these circumstances, it is really a shame that there are not more people who are willing to get rid of the erectile dysfunction by means of long-term solutions rather than prescription pills. In the following article, we will explain how you can find some long-term solutions for erectile dysfunction so that you do not have to deal with the problem for the rest of your life.

Resolving Erectile Dysfunction Efficiently

If you are trying to resolve your erectile dysfunction in an efficient way, you need to make sure that you are focused on your diet and exercise, which are both longer-term issues that you have to work out. If you are faced with these kinds of problems on a daily basis, you will recognize that changing to a healthier diet or getting a more intense fitness routine is not something that is going to be hard to do.

Just get the willpower and stop eating many of the foods that you currently love. Fast food and fried foods are terrible for your body, which is why you should stop as soon as possible. In addition, if you are trying to maintain a healthy diet, you need to make sure you are getting enough of the phytonutrients that are in vegetables like kale, spinach, and chard. All of these specific foods will give you the nutrients that you need to fight off the erectile dysfunction without worrying about all of the other things that are going on in your life. Even if your friends are eating foods that look tasty and great to eat, it is far better to spend your time eating the foods you know will be useful for you.

In addition, make sure your health routine is immaculate as well. If you are not exercising enough on a daily basis, it will be obvious from the beginning that you are going to have a very hard time dealing with the erectile dysfunction. You need to get enough exercise to get rid of the plaque and cholesterol that is deep within your body and takes a long time to get rid of. If you are not taking the steps to do that as quickly as possible, you will suffer with erectile dysfunction for a long time.

Erectile Dysfunction and Prescription Pills

The men who think that erectile dysfunction is forever are usually the ones who do not have the patience or the willpower to actually finish what they have started and focus on their diet and exercise routines. Even though it can be hard for men to do this all the time, it is still important to focus on them in order to make life a little easier. If you cannot focus on these types of things, there is something obviously wrong with your desire to have full natural sex.

Prescription pills can solve the problem in the short-term, but it will not help you at all to get rid of the cholesterol and other problems in the long-term. You need to make sure to focus on a number of the health issues we have discussed in the article above if you want to have any chance of avoiding erectile dysfunction or recovering from it in the future. Sure, prescription pills have a great place and a role to play when you first have the condition, but it is important to move on and start to see things in a different light.

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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

Finding the Cure so ED Doesn’t Last Forever

There is no specific cure that you can take in order to make all your troubles go away. The only thing that you can really do is to follow our instructions and wait and see.

Erectile Dysfunction – Improving Life By Curing Erectile Dysfunction

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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

One of the ways that you can really improve your life is by having a great sexual routine with your partner. In the event that you have erectile dysfunction, this is nearly impossible to do. Make sure that you are always paying attention to erectile dysfunction methods that will help you to get back to living the life that you want to lead. In the following article, we will give you both short and long-term methods that you can use in order to improve your life. Hopefully, this will be a much easier process than you think.

Great Methods to Cure ED

There are two main types of ways that you can cure erectile dysfunction. The first is the short-term method that you can enjoy with the help of prescription pills. These will give you the vigor that you need in order to maintain a strong sex life and have fun with your partner. However, they will not last forever and they will be very expensive over the course of your entire life. This is why you need to focus on some of the longer-term solutions to this problem.


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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

One of the best long-term solutions is to look at your diet. If you take a close look at the food that you are eating on a daily basis, you will see some patterns that need to be changed in order to make a real difference in your life. Once you make these changes, you will be able to do something about them. You can eat healthy food and remove the cholesterol and plaque from your system. You can do all of these things in order to have a better sex life and also a life in general. Follow these two methods and you will be able to have the best time you have ever had.

Health – Improving Sex with Magnesium


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Image courtesy of [Master isolated images] /

There are many essential vitamins and minerals that people are supposed to get in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but few get them all. One of the minerals that few people look for is magnesium, which is something that every person should get enough of, but few people do. If you want to improve your general wellbeing and your sex life in particular, it is a good idea to get enough magnesium. In the following article, we will describe how you can improve your sex life with more magnesium and what foods have this in them so that you can reference it.

Foods with Magnesium for Health

The number of foods that have a good dose of magnesium are low, but you need to make sure you get enough of them at all times. Roasted cashews have a fairly high amount of magnesium, which can help you to have a much healthier lifestyle. Note that cashews do have quite a bit and you do not need a lot in order to be healthy. It is a good idea for you to get all of the help that you can from the cashews, but not too much because it could lead to serious stomach problems as a result of over consumption.

Nonetheless, if you do not like cashews, you can easily get foods like dark chocolate to help you get over your problem. The large majority of the people who are trying to get over their issue with sex have been unable to get enough magnesium and in most cases, it is nearly impossible to do that. You need to make sure that you are getting over your sex issues with the best help that is possible. Magnesium can help you greatly to improve the way you are living your life.


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Image courtesy of [Master isolated images] /

If you cannot eat cashews or dark chocolate, you need to find an alternative method that will give you the type of benefits you need in order to be successful. At the end of the day, it is a good thing to have as much sex as is possible, but it will be harder to do that if you don’t have all of your nutrients. Get as much magnesium as you need, but be sure to calibrate your consumption so you do not get too much as it is very easy to make that mistake and end up with some serious problems.

Erectile Dysfunction – How to Stop Erectile Dysfunction with Bad Genetics


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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

If you are one of the millions of men who is suffering from erectile dysfunction due to your genetics, then there is help for you nonetheless. There are millions of different ways for you to get over the current problem, but you have to believe that is actually going to work to improve your life. If you do not have the belief that you can stop erectile dysfunction even if you have bad genetics, you’re never going to be able to do it. In the following article, we will provide you with evidence that shows you can actually stop the erectile dysfunction from happening if you have bad genetics.

Preventing ED with Bad Genetics

Bad genetics can be the cause of a lot of problems and with erectile dysfunction, it is no different. If you are planning to get rid of the problem, you should definitely work on your diet and exercise routines. Both of these things will make your life far easier than you ever imagined. Focus on getting rid of the erectile dysfunction with the proper diet of vegetables, such as kale, spinach, etc. and other types of food. You will quickly notice what kind of a difference that type of thing can make. Hopefully, the diet will have a big enough impact to ward off any erectile dysfunction problems at least until you are much older.


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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

You need to also focus on your own stress levels if you want to be successful with preventing impotence if you have bad genetics. This means that you need to be able to get rid of all the stress that you have in your body so that you can focus on the things that you are doing with your sexual partner. If you can do that then there will be few problems when it comes to your sexual activity. Make sure that you are focused on increasing your arousal with your partner and you will have a much better time with them. Genetics isn’t everything and you can use the steps we have listed to fight it and be your own man.

Erectile Dysfunction – How Often Does Erectile Dysfunction Go Away?


Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

For the majority of men, erectile dysfunction is a problem that has very real consequences. It is something that might not be so huge for older men who have kids, but for the younger generation of people that want to eventually have sex again without the need for pills, there are some legitimate worries. For men who want their erectile dysfunction to go away, there are some real long-term issues that have to be dealt with as soon as possible. In the following article, we will explain how you can avoid erectile dysfunction on the long-term and lead a better life because of it.

Long Term ED Solutions

The number one thing that you need to do if you want to avoid erectile dysfunction for the rest of your life is to get your issue sorted through your diet, exercise, and relaxation methods. In the following segment, we will describe every aspect of these things so that you can lead a much better life that is erectile dysfunction free.

The first thing you need to do is to get the diet set. You must make sure that you are not eating any fried foods if you want to maintain a good healthy cardiovascular system. The reason food is so important is because that is what is responsible for making the cholesterol and plaque that is in your blood vessels and arteries. You will notice that these things can have a seriously negative impact on the way that you lead your life. Make sure that you get these things taken care of and you will be better off in the long run.

Also, make sure that you are focused on getting your exercise and relaxation methods taken care of at the same time. Focus on getting enough exercise so that you can rid your body of the cholesterol and plaque that is blocking the blood from going to the penis. At the same time, make sure that you are getting the relaxation you need for your brain to be sharp. This can be done through the use of meditation or yoga, which are both great ways to get over any kind of problem.


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Image courtesy of [imagerymajestic] /

If you follow all of these steps , you will have no problem getting over your erectile dysfunction problem. There are some really important things that you can do so that erectile dysfunction doesn’t plague you forever.

Erectile Dysfunction – How Long Does an Erectile Dysfunction Pill Stay Effective?


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Image courtesy of [ddpavumba] /

Many of the people who take erectile dysfunction pills are not aware of the period of time that they will actually stay effective. Some have the false perception that erectile dysfunction pills are actually useful in the long term, but this is not the case at all. Others know that it will only last for a short period of time and are looking forward to pleasing their present self. In the following article, we will show you just how effective an erectile dysfunction pill can be and why it is so important to use them in the short-term.

Short Term ED Help

In the short-term, there are many reasons why you should use erectile dysfunction medication. For one thing, you will notice that your partner is not going to be very happy about spending time without physical contact. No matter how great your relationship is, everyone needs to have physical contact in order to be happy. That is just how humans are and sex is the perfect intimate way to do that. If you want to find a way around this problem, you need to get an erectile dysfunction pill that can stay effective for a few hours at least. Many of the existing drugs have a period of time that is around that level.


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Image courtesy of [graur razvan ionut] /

If you are trying to maintain sexual activity for a certain number of hours, you need to look for prescription ED pills. These pills offer you the support that you need to have sex or even plan ahead for when the mood might strike. It isn’t always easy to use the pills and time everything right, but if you take some time to learn, you will realize just how effective it is. The pill will be effective for many hours, which should give you enough time.

Erectile Dysfunction – How Erectile Dysfunction Can Lower Confidence


Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

There are a number of ways that erectile dysfunction can impact your life. First is obviously the way in which it can prevent you from maintaining a healthy sex life. Others are more closely related to your overall health, but there are definitely a number of mental effects that should be closely watched at the same time. Men who are worried about erectile dysfunction can really have their confidence killed by the erectile dysfunction problem, which can have some serious implications for the rest of their life. In this article, we will focus on how men can be affected by the impotence problem and what they can do in order to stop it.

Confidence and Erectile Dysfunction

Unlike any other part of the male body, the reproductive organs are a great sense of pride. If you are not able to have sex with these reproductive organs, there is a huge problem with your blueprint of how things should be. This mental anguish can cause a great deal of pain to people who are faced with erectile dysfunction. It is something that few people have been able to explain, but the confidence and self-esteem is so wrapped in with the erectile health, that people can really have negative attitudes that impact the rest of their life.

Many of the men with erectile dysfunction feel their lack of confidence in the workplace. Trying to compete projects can be hard when one feels let down or lacks the confidence necessary to have a good time with the things that they are doing. If this is something that seems like you, make sure you are focused on getting the best care that you possibly can.


Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] /

How is it possible to build back your confidence when you have lost it? That is a good question and one that should be answered by anyone who is looking forward to having a great sex life with their partner. In order to build back confidence, it is important to first know that your partner is not taking the issue incredibly hard. If your partner can handle the fact that you are unable to get an erection, it will go a long way to making you feel better about your problem. Make sure you are open and honest with them and get the same in return and you will be able to tell whether or not you can gain confidence from this way.

CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is not to be considered as a major defect. Think of it as a minor deficiency that can be readily treated and cured easily. We know that our human body is composed of uncountable number of nerves, tissues, blood vessels etc. Most of the nerves originate from the brain and distributes to all parts of our human body. At the time of sexual performance all of these parts work together in hand to perform erection. Failure to any of these parts to perform its role will result in dysfunction of the entire erection process. Moreover, human brain has to send electrical signals to the nerves and tissues required for erection.

This defect is either caused by psychological reasons or by physical reasons. Most of the times men have increased level of stress and anxiety that further hinder the sexual life. This mental incapability should be stifled by taking part in various counseling classes after consulting the doctor. Physical impossibility to this dysfunction is stimulated by a number of causes. These may include nerve damage caused by spinal cord injuries, brain trauma etc, unhealthy life habits caused by smoking, lack of proper exercise, overeating etc, high cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetics.

These physical and mental reasons should be controlled and cured before it affects other parts of the body. Excess consumption of drugs and hormone imbalances adds to this cause. Most of these physical causes can be cured to some extend by following a healthy food habits and a regular lifestyle. Surgical intercession can remove any damaged nerves or spoiled blood supply or any other impairments in the body. Any other diseases can also disturb the normal function of the nerves in penis which disrupts the erection process. There can be changes in the sexual balance caused by the various other diseases too. Aging of human body also causes malfunctioning of many nervous controls and cause dysfunction, especially in men older than 50 years.

Being depressed from this defect is not the correct solution to this defect. Depression creates increased stress level and excess production of unwanted hormones in the body. Living under a stressful life not only causes erectile dysfunction but also many other defects or diseases. Adding up of these internal and external factors reaches an alarming point when the whole smooth flow of the human body disrupts and our body becomes susceptible to abnormal functioning and impairment of health. Questions? Call Men’s Medical Clinics Toll Free 800-908-3545.

Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction or Impotency

Sexual dysfunction covers a variety of defects. Erectile dysfunction is one such defect in this category. Men of older age are at a higher risk even though impotency is not a part of aging. The factors can be mental, physical or both. Signs and symptoms of impotency include delayed discharge of semen in men during sex, not able to develop and maintain erection during sexual excitement, lack of sexual desire and blood drops at the time of ejaculation.

When you take advice of a doctor or a health care centre about this defect, they perform many lab tests and physical exam. They even carry out hormone level test to confirm the levels that affects sexual urge in both male and female.

Doctors broadly classify the dysfunction as primary and secondary symptoms. Primary symptoms are symptoms in which a male cannot achieve his maximum sexual satisfaction. Some supporting facts to this symptom are the result of impotency from his childhood, inability due to aging and deficiency in maintaining stiffness for sexual intercourse. There are even cases of temporary impotency among males above the age of 35, but they will have their healthy sex restored once the cause to this temporary defect is wiped off.

Secondary symptoms are revealed by stress, hypertension and tensed relationship. A physical examination by experts in health care centre’s may unveil prostrate infection, high blood pressure etc. It has been proved by medical experts that hyper tension has a direct relationship to impotency. Studies even showed that prostatic hyperplasia can cause this sexual dysfunction. Even if sex is not only the important part of human life, lack of sex or sexual desire can pave way to many other causes that has to be considered very seriously. There are records that proved that men suffering from erectile dysfunction are also subject to cardiovascular disorders. Variation in the level of hormone responsible for male sex or testosterones is a symptom to this deficiency. Patients having erectile dysfunction have a low count of this hormone that may result in liver problems or defectiveness in the testes itself. People having high diabetes, HIV, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord or brain injuries are susceptible to this dysfunction. These diseases may even damage the nerves that carry electrical signals from the brain. These are the underlying symptoms that should be taken care of and duly treated at the earliest.

Anyone Can Get Fit!

Anyone Can Get Fit pic

Anyone Can Get Fit!

Anyone Can Get Fit! Follow This Advice!

“Fitness” should not be a distant goal you keep on a pedestal. Don’t put off your goals of physical fitness. Fitness isn’t as difficult as you may think. You can begin building a fitness plan that works for you by using this easy to read article.

When you have a specific set of objectives leading to a goal, you will have built in motivation for your fitness plans. You will be so focused on passing each milestone in your plan that you will be unlikely to notice the difficulties. Setting goals will keep you from quitting since you have something concrete to work toward.

Do not limit yourself to crunches to develop your abs. Studies show that after 250,000 crunches only a pound of fat is burned. Relying only on crunches means that you are not working as hard as you should be. Find other ways to exercise your abdominal muscles for the best results.

Make sure your workouts include a variety of different exercises. Adding variety to your exercises will help maintain your interest level and make you a little more eager to go back and work out again next time. Plus, once your muscles are used to doing certain exercises, you receive less benefit from doing them.

Cycling can be an intensive fat burner. Try to pace yourself with 80 to 100 rpm. There are digital computers you can attach to your bicycle to keep track of your rpm and mileage. You can become less fatigued and have less strain on your knee when you learn how to cycle faster and cover more distances. Check your pace by figuring out how many times you raise your right leg in ten seconds and multiplying that sum by six. Once you have found out your rpm, adjust your pace according so that your rpm falls within the recommended bracket mentioned previously.

Some people do not like how fast they are losing weight, so they choose to exercise far too intensely in hopes of speeding up the process. Overexertion can potentially cause muscle and joint damage, heart problems, and more. In addition, exercising too hard can cause your body to enter an anaerobic state. This is where your fat is not being metabolized, which causes your body to store fat instead of burn it.

You want to keep your bicycling pace around 80 to 110 RPM. You will increase your endurance when you do this and experience less strain. If you count the times your leg on the right lifts up every ten seconds and times it by six you can set a pace. This is the rpm range that you need to strive for.

Are you interested in increasing the effectiveness of your workouts? Research has show that strength can be increased by about twenty percent if you stretch. Try to stretch for twenty or thirty seconds between sets. Improving your workout is as simple as stretching.

For effective sprinting form, you must increase both the length of your stride and the speed of your stride. In order to achieve this, you have to ensure your foot is always landing underneath your body rather than in the front. Use your toes from the rear leg to push against the ground and give yourself more power. Try this technique, and your speed is sure to improve.

Box squats can help you build up the quadricep muscles located on the upper thigh. Box squats are highly beneficial and will increase the power of your workout session. You’ll need a box or a chair to position behind you. Squat like normal, but pause before sitting on the box.

Working out provides you with immeasurable benefits. Men’s health questions You can have fun getting started by following this simple advice. If you are ready and willing to put these ideas into practice, you will be that much closer to achieving your goals. Call or Visit us at Location: Inland Empire Male Medical Clinic 9227 Haven Avenue Suite 280 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: 909-581-8999

CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Top 8 means of different types for prolonging sexual intercourse men

Top 8 means of different types for prolonging sexual intercourse men


In this article, we will talk about the best means for prolonging a man’s sexual intercourse, collected from reviews of urologists and leading experts.

First, consider the common causes of misfires in bed.

Reasons for a fast finish

  • If for a long time there was no girl and intimacy, then it is impossible to avoid a quick completion of the session.
  • Inability is correct breathe also leads to a fiasco in bed.
  • If the body is all tense, because restraints energy cannot circulate freely, it accumulates in one place and the forced moment of discharge occurs.
  • Due to the hypersensitivity of your instrument of enjoyment.
  • Weak muscles the pelvis, lack of their tone, no time for sports or a sedentary lifestyle due to work.
  • Decreased testosterone or change affects hormonal background, the onset of menopause (not everyone knows about how menopause manifests itself in older men).
  • Discomfort due to improper choice of place, due to the presence of strangers nearby, bright light, excess pressure and others external factors misfire in bed.
  • Disruptions in the cardiovascular or endocrine system.
  • If everyday is present stress, I don’t want anything after work, a depressed state every day.
  • If a person has obesity problems, there is a thick stomach (this also indicates low testosterone).
  • Injuries lower back, the spine cause you to be doomed to misfire (these and other new causes of the incident were also mentioned earlier here).

The use of funds to increase sexual intercourse and the duration of love games is absolutely normal. They are divided into only 4 species.

What groups of drugs emit

There are 4 main groups of prolongators for stamina in bed:

  1. Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors regulate the process at the level of the brain stem. The onset of the finish in bed directly depends on the amount of this mediator in the synapses. Inhibitors increase its concentration, hence the time of intercourse becomes longer. Characterized by high tolerance by the body.
  2. NO synthase activators lead to relaxation of smooth muscles, the best filling of your instrument of blood with pleasure, and improvement of libido. Do not affect the general pressure, do not increase blood flow in the heart.
  3. Testosterone preparations directly contain male hormone or substances that stimulate its production. They are used only if a man’s level of testosterone is below normal. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. They include biologically active additives that are part of the plant structure. The following components are used: lemongrass, ginseng, pantocrine. There is no evidence base for effectiveness.

Before you learn about the name of the means of prolonging sexual intercourse, read the contraindications.

Who is not recommended to use, contraindications

It is not recommended to use prolongators in the presence of the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • leukemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers.

8 great ways to solve the problem

Top remedy for long proximity

1. Popular pills

1. Eroforce Capsules

  • pros. Eroforce capsules stabilize the hormonal background of a man, increase the libido and blood supply of your friend. Excellent help develop stamina in bed and control over the finish.
  • Features. Unlike other drugs, they are 100% safe, do not cause side effects.
  • Application. You can buy and take without consulting a doctor. Use 10 minutes before the start of intercourse.

2. Kapikachhu

  • Kapikachhu (Kapikachhu) is a strong aphrodisiac.
  • pros. It tones the nerve endings throughout the body, in your instrument of pleasure in particular. Increases libido. Helps to increase the amount of seed and improve its quality on the part of reproductive function.
  • To achieve a result accept systematically: in the morning and in the evening on a tablet.

3. Speman

  • Speman takes off overexcitation. Stimulates seed production. Relieves stasis in the prostate gland, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • If you choose this tool, so as not to end long and «stay fit», it is recommended to take it systematically in 2 tablets 3 times for a day.

4. Dapoxetine

Dapoxetine (Dapoxetine) delays the onset of the finish line, improves the coitus several times. Take a pill for half an hour.

Accepted systematically in order to avoid the risks of premature termination of the session.

It has no adverse reactions.

5. Cialis

  • Cialis is also written in English. «Cialis». The active substance in it is sildenafil. It helps to expand the cavernous bodies and better fill them with blood.
  • the effect lasts about a day. A tablet is taken, after which proximity is possible throughout the day.

6. Super P-force

It relaxes the smooth muscles of male dignity and improves blood circulation, delays the moment of discharge.

Use in an hour before intercourse. It has a wide range of contraindications.

7. Impaza

  • Promotes blood supply to the corpus cavernosum, increases libido. Frequent use normalizes testosterone levels.
  • Usually take 1 tablet 2 hours before marriage games and one more in an hour. For the prevention and maintenance of combat readiness, an organ is used for 6 months.

8. Ziden

The relaxing effect occurs only after stimulation. The effect is like «Impaz».

It is advisable to apply for half an hour before intercourse. The action persists throughout the day.

9. Laveron

  • Laveron (Loveron) aims to normalize blood flow in manhood. This tool for long sex without prior excitement does not affect libido. Does not affect the cardiovascular system.
  • Use for 40-60 minutes before the start of intercourse.

10. Avanafil

  • Avanafil (Avanafil) leads to relaxation of smooth muscles, the cavernous bodies are better filled blood. As a result, a natural strong elevated state arises.
  • Taken for 15-20 minutes before intercourse. Unlike other drugs, it can be taken with food.

11. Dynamic

  • Accept in an hour. Has a hypotensive effect that affects the smooth muscles of your cowboy.
  • Often causes a headache and temporarily impairs vision. These are the pills for the treatment of rapid ejaculation.

2. Sprays for delaying a fiasco in bed

What is the essence of sprays

Sprays have in their composition lidocaine.

He is for a while reduces surface sensitivity of dignity, which delays the onset of premature misfire.

How to apply them

  1. Spray is applied to the end of your gun when it is in high condition.
  2. Then the spray is washed off with water through 10-15 minutes or just putting on contraceptives.
  3. It is not recommended to start horizontal dancing immediately after application, as this can lead to numbness female body.

Spray Examples

  • Spray M-16 in its composition has additional substances (Mg, L-arginine, glycine, guarana), which increase the sensitivity of the organ, the production of testosterone. It has a tonic effect on the whole body, antiviral effect. The action lasts about 12 hours after application. Compatible with alcohol.
  • PEINEILI Men Spray – with its use, restoration of organ cells is possible. You can control the moment of discharge. No addiction. Effect Duration – about 40 minutes.

Other means for long intercourse and continuation «banquet» are creams.

3. Special creams

  1. What is the essence of creams and their advantages? The advantage of creams for long coition is a tangible effect after application. They also improve blood circulation in the male organ.
  2. Application Tips and applying creams. It can be used both before the onset of intimacy, and used for prophylaxis in smaller doses. Apply in small volumes to the organ and rub.

What substances are the basis of creams

The composition of different creams often has the same basis:

  1. emulsion wax;
  2. ginger resin oil;
  3. zinc oxide;
  4. ginseng extract;
  5. carbomer;
  6. chestnut extract;
  7. ginko biloba;
  8. vitamins E, C;
  9. rosemary;
  10. green tea extract.

Example – cream MaxiSize

Let’s look at the example of MaxiSize cream. This cream gives a stable result after several weeks of prevention.

It includes:

  • amino acids that increase the elasticity of the skin of your organ;
  • collagen increases its elasticity;
  • triethanolamine helps delay misfires in bed.

4. Lubricants or lubricants

What is their essence

  1. What are they like? Usually have a gel-like appearance. Lubricants are often called lubricants.
  2. Structure. They are made on the basis of water, oil or silicone.
  3. Application. Lubricant is applied to the hands, and then to the organ. After proximity, grease should be washed off.

There are greases that are used as a means, so as not to quickly finish their business in the bedroom. But they also have a number of other functions.

Lubricant Functions

  • moisturize mucous membrane, which protects against surface injuries and irritation;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • freeze reaction and susceptibility of dignity during intercourse, which helps to stay longer in bed (other techniques for removing sensitivity are also described in another publication).

What other types of lubricants are

  1. prolonged;
  2. exciting
  3. moisturizing.

Example – Sico grease

Let’s take Sico as an example.

This grease is on glycerin and water-based. Additionally in her structure Lactic acid and aloe extract are included.

It has a balanced pH level and does not stain clothes.

We talked about the treatment of premature ejaculation and similar techniques from the video earlier.

5. Special rings

  • What is the essence rings? These devices are also called erection rings. Their main function – compression of the organ at the base. Due to this, the blood in the cavernous bodies is located for a long time, which preserves the state of alertness of dignity. It resembles a tourniquet.
  • How to choose and use them? Rings are made of different materials and some contribute to the appearance of contrasting sensations in women. It is necessary to choose or adjust the size so that the ring does not slip. Before use, the ring and skin should be lubricated with a lubricant.
  • Contraindications. Such a tool for a long erection and standing your «the sun» You can not wear more than half an hour! Take off after 30 minutes to normalize blood flow, otherwise impair blood circulation and the work of the organ itself. You can always find other ways to maintain dignity in high condition without risk to health.
  • Subtleties. If you use contraceptives during intercourse, putting on the ring is very careful not to tear the latex.
  • To avoid personal injury newcomers who use the ring for the first time should take the device from a soft and flexible material.

What types of rings are

Depending on the effects, there are different types:

  1. Simple. Only worn on your dignity.
  2. Double. The male organ itself and the parts adjacent to it can also cover.
  3. With stimulant female organs. It is made of a special material that brings an additional pleasant feeling to the partner.
  4. With vibration. There is front vibration for female organs, and rear – for the corresponding hole.

Who is contraindicated for use

It is contraindicated to use the stronger sex in the presence of the following injuries and diseases:

  • if there is inguinal hernia;
  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • with pathological narrowing of the extreme flesh;
  • in the presence of infectious inflammation of dignity.

A new prolongator so as not to end your beloved for a long time

6. Special contraceptives

There are 3 main types of special condoms used as a means to prolong sexual intercourse and increase the time for caressing with a loved one.

  1. Ribbed. Tightly adhere to the skin of dignity, squeezing it slightly. This contributes to better blood supply and maintaining an elevated state.
  2. Anesthetically soaked. Anesthetic impregnates the inner surface, this type is more effective. Often they use benzocaine as the main substance. This helps to reduce the sensitivity of the organ. Anesthetic-soaked should not be worn for longer than 30-40 minutes and should not be used too often. Otherwise, this can lead to a pathological decrease in sensitivity for a long time.
  3. Thick. The thicker the contraceptive, the better the isolation and the sensitivity of the male organ decreases. Thanks to this, the finish comes a little later than usual. Wearing it, you can also apply techniques and techniques from Taoists in parallel.

Examples from different representatives

  • Ganzo Long Love;
  • Contex Long Love;
  • Durex Long Play;
  • Durex Dual Extase.

7. Natural products

There are also some natural products with which you can stay in bed longer.

What foods emit

  1. Propolis and Raw Honey contain a large number of hormonal substances in order to improve the condition of reproduction by the man. Honey will also be useful for those who need to increase potency with folk remedies.
  2. Wheat oil. It does not need to be drunk or rubbed into the body. It contains endomorphine, which enhances arousal by inhaling the aroma of the oil. Acts on the male pituitary gland. Doing this is immediately before intercourse.
  3. Oak bark rich in thiamine, which dulls the work of nerve endings. The finish moves away in time. To prepare the broth, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dry oak bark into a glass. Pour boiling water, cover and let stand for about an hour. Take for a week to get a result.
  4. Cornflowers. Cornflower tincture is also considered a folk remedy for prolonging a man’s sexual intercourse. They contain centuarine, which has a prolonging effect. Tincture should be done according to the same recipe as with oak bark.
  5. Currant and Raspberry Leaves rich in feliamine. It slows the onset of the X moment. Greens can be added to salads, sandwiches, or eat separately.
  6. Ginseng root It stimulates the body and maintains combat readiness dignity. You can add 1-2 tablespoons to regular tea or another drink. Take 15-20 minutes before starting closeness.
  7. Kiwi It is rich in antioxidants that stimulate testosterone production in the stronger sex.
  8. Banana has tryptophan, which in the body is processed to serotonin. It enhances self-esteem, confidence. With the help of this fruit, impotence, having a psychogenic origin, is treated.
  9. Figs is a strong aphrodisiac. It stimulates attraction to the opposite sex.

Pros of taking natural products

  • In general, proper and healthy systematic nutrition keeps the whole body in good shape.
  • The above natural gifts affect the normal functioning of the male organ, its full blood supply, and control over the finish.
  • Products also have a direct impact on the ability of dignity to maintain an elevated state.

In addition to the listed most effective means for prolonging sexual intercourse for a man, it will be useful to know several special techniques.

8. Useful techniques and advice from practicing masters

  1. Relax your body. Try to avoid any tension in the body and muscles. Do not strain your body yourself anywhere. It can be worth straining the buttocks, arms, or other parts of the body of the pelvic area, as your night is forced to come to an end. This is an important nuance.
  2. Do not breathe often. From time to time, monitor the intensity of your inhalations and exhalations, do not breathe quickly. If you do not have enough air at all, it is better to stop your frictions, pause and restore your breathing normally. Otherwise, you are doomed to failure.
  3. Change focus attention to abstract things. For example, shift your focus to your neck or eyes. Look at the point in the wall, at the partner’s earlobe. Being distracted, you redirect energy from the bottom to other areas. If you are thinking about not ruining everything, then this is likely to happen. After all, if you are concentrated on one of your weapons, then all the energy will accumulate around it and it will be difficult to hold out for a long time.
  4. Run often outdoors. Overcoming yourself in the fresh air increases your stamina not only on the street, but also in bed. In addition, the blood flow in the pelvis will improve.
  5. Morning technique. When you woke up in the morning and you still hold on «solstice» buddy, make him bounce using the pubic-coccygeal muscle. Hands are not involved. To begin with, make 100 bounces, and then every day add to the amount of 10% from the previous day.
  6. Squat. Regular squats disperse blood in the pelvis well, make it a habit to do this in the morning. Start small, don’t overdo it at first.
  7. Bad posture. Know that in the pose when you are lying on top, the hardest thing is to delay the finish. Here you rather, on the contrary, force the finish.

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CategoriesErectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Erectile dysfunction— the inability of a man to achieve and prolong an erection, and in some cases the end of sexual intercourse. This pathology has many diverse causes and, while not deadly and severe due to the absence of pronounced painful symptoms, it brings significant discomfort to the lives of patients. Treatment for such a disease is selected individually after a thorough examination of the patient.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Under the concept of erectile dysfunction, many problems of the sexual sphere in men are combined, which include the inability to obtain a stable erection, maintain it during intercourse, or end it with ejaculation (ejaculation).

Note! It is worth talking about the presence of an unpleasant diagnosis only when problems with an erection persist for 3 months or longer.

According to statistics compiled by the World Health Organization, at least 160 million men in the world know firsthand what it is. In this case, the dependence of the incidence rate of the disease on age is traced:

  • among men in young and mature (from 21 to 40 years old) the proportion of those who have experienced erectile dysfunction is not more than 10%;
  • among men from 40 to 60 years old, the proportion of men who have at least once experienced difficulties with an erection is 50%;
  • among men aged 60 and over, the proportion of those who cannot complete a full sexual intercourse reaches 70%.

It is based on a change in the neurovascular process, which is an erection. Sometimes, specialists from other fields of medicine are involved in solving it. — psychologists and psychiatrists, endocrinologists and others.

Normally, the stimulation of nerve endings causes the release of biologically active substances, mainly nitric oxide, into the bloodstream. This compound relaxes the walls of arteries and smooth muscles, which are responsible for the contraction of the cavernous bodies in the penis (this is the spongy body that is located inside the penis). As a result of this, there is an increase in blood flow in the genital organ. At the same time, there is a narrowing of the veins that drain the blood from the spongy tissue of the penis. Blood fills the corpora cavernosa, an erection occurs. During intercourse, even more filling takes place, as a result of which the penis grows in size and becomes hard, the erection is strengthened until ejaculation occurs.

Under various conditions, a failure occurs at one of the stages of erection. This can happen during stimulation, at the stage of changes in vascular tone and with an increase in blood pressure in the corpora cavernosa.

Important! There is no single scheme for eliminating impotence. In each case, the causes and treatment are individual.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can occur against the background of psychological and organic problems, and therefore the classification includes three groups of these disorders:

  1. Psychogenic. It occurs against a background of increased anxiety, neurosis, mental illness (depression, schizophrenia and others). It is accompanied by a lack of sexual arousal or its rapid fading.
  2. Organic It arises against the background of vascular problems (inadequate blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis, hypertension, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, heart failure, coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction), neurological pathologies (polyneuropathy, multiple sclerosis, and small bowel injury, .d.), endocrine diseases. Organic impotence can also develop against the background of taking medications, poisoning with toxic substances.
  3. Mixed. It occurs in the presence of organic and psychological changes. According to statistics, organic lesions play a dominant role, against which psychological pathology develops.

The main reasons for this — gradual decrease in testosterone synthesis in the body, age -related changes in blood vessels.

Symptoms and signs of erectile dysfunction

Signs of erectile dysfunction include a variety of sexual disorders in men, including:

  • weakening or absence of a morning erection, its irregular appearance;
  • insufficiently stable or incomplete erection, because of which it is impossible to enter the penis into the vagina;
  • the need for long-term stimulation to obtain an erection sufficient to start sexual intercourse or its complete absence even in the presence of arousal;
  • a sudden or gradual decrease in the tension of the penis during intercourse, due to which its continuation and completion becomes impossible;
  • premature (early) ejaculation, sometimes even before the introduction of the penis into the vagina;
  • increased time between sexual intercourse or the onset of a full erection.

The degree of manifestation of these symptoms depends on the cause of the problem. It was found that with psychogenic origin, sexual dysfunction occurs suddenly and only under certain conditions. After their elimination, the ability to commit sexual intercourse is restored. Night and morning erections persist. With dysfunctions of organic origin, disorders appear systematically and tend to progress. Spontaneous penis erection is observed only in the initial stages of the disease.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction involves identifying the factors that caused problems in the sexual sphere, since the causes and treatment of the disease are directly related. To begin with, a doctor, most often a urologist, collects an anamnesis and assesses the current condition of the patient. In most cases, a man is asked to fill out a special questionnaire.

The next step — physical examination, during which signs of vascular, hormonal, neurological disorders are detected. Screening studies (tests) help to identify pathological changes:

  • intracavernous test;
  • sexual stimulation with registration of brain potentials (electroencephalography or myelography);
  • penile ultrasound;
  • electromyography of the perineal muscles;
  • Dopplerography of the arteries of the genital organ.

If there is a suspicion of psychogenic or situational impotence, a series of tests are performed to determine causality, anxiety, and depression. If the doctor suggests the endocrine origin of erectile dysfunction, laboratory tests are performed during which the concentration of testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing and other hormones in the blood plasma is established. ​

Instrumental evaluation of nocturnal erections helps to differentiate psychogenic impotence with organic ones. In the case of psychological and mental problems in a dream, a normal erection occurs, and with organic lesions, erection is defective or absent altogether.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Select treatment for erectile dysfunction, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Methods can be very diverse. — from medication and psychotherapy to arthroplasty. However, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of sexual problems.

Treatment of psychogenic impotence

To eliminate problems of a psychogenic nature, they pay attention to reducing intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts with the help of psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy. If the man is in a permanent relationship, sessions are recommended to attend and his partner. Goal of treatment — teaching couples effective interaction and the formation of adequate ideas about sex.

Organic Impotence Treatment — medicines

More difficult is the treatment of erectile dysfunction of organic origin. Her goal — elimination of pathologies, as a result of which there was a deterioration in sexual functions, normalization of the functioning of organs and systems and stimulation of blood flow to the genital organ.

The following medicines are recommended for men:

  • hormonal drugs (prescribed primarily for endocrine diseases);
  • PDE-5 inhibitors (stimulants of erection Viagra, Cialis and their analogues);

  • vasodilator drugs (used including injections into the genitals).


Massage and exercise therapy for impotence

Vacuum constrictor therapy helps stimulate blood flow to the penis. The method involves the use of a special vacuum pump equipped with a constrictive ring (photos of such devices can be easily found on the network). The device activates the blood flow in the penis and helps fill cavernous theses with blood and prevents its outflow.

Massage and self-massage of the pubic area, pelvis and perineum will help increase the tone of the vessels supplying the penis with blood. A similar effect is exerted by a set of exercise therapy exercises to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen perineal muscles:

  • tension and relaxation of the perineum and anus — at least 200 times a day;
  • deep squats — 50-100 times a day;
  • lifting the pelvis from a supine position with arms extended along the torso — 30 to 50 times a day;
  • walking in place with a high knee lift.

Massage and exercise therapy are used for any form of the disease as auxiliary methods of therapy. Relying only on them is not worth it.

Surgical treatment of impotence

Surgical methods to eliminate erectile dysfunction are resorted to with the ineffectiveness of conservative methods. There are several types of operations to restore an erection in men:

  • endofaloprosthetics — it is indicated for pathology of the cavernous bodies of the penis, prostheses can be inflatable and plastic;
  • penis revascularization (microsurgical procedure) — It is used for vascular pathologies;
  • embolization, ligation of veins or legs of the penis, spongiolysis — interventions that are used in the pathology of the veno-occlusive mechanism of the penis.

The effectiveness of operations is good, but they require careful preparation, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases.

Surgery to restore an erection in age-related patients (older than 70 years) is rarely performed.

Erectile Dysfunction Prevention and Prognosis

For the prevention of erectile dysfunction, general measures are used, which include rationalizing nutrition, adhering to the daily routine and maintaining sufficient physical activity. To reduce the risk of problems in the sexual sphere will help to abandon bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. For men in adulthood, a special role is played by the preservation of sexual activity. Prolonged abstinence can significantly worsen an erection.

A special role in the prevention of diseases of the genital area is played by chronic diseases. Both systemic pathologies and medicines that need to be taken for a long time can cause problems with erection.

Food addiction can also affect a man’s ability to have sexual intercourse. How and what to eat to reduce the risk of impotence or help the body overcome problems with erection, see the video:

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