Erectile Dysfunction and Its Causes

Erectile Dysfunction and Its Causes

Physical Rather than Psychological Causes

Not many people know that, in most cases, it is physical rather than psychological causes which lead to erectile dysfunction, and it is most curable.

Erectile Dysfunction has been failed to be treated by all the branches of medicine due to the layout of their medical disciplines. It is the clinging to an old mindset which is responsible for this unfortunate situation.

The shortcomings of ignorance, myths, superstitions, stigma and taboos, which laymen relate to sexuality, are often believed to be the underlying cause. Compounding the problem is the old attitude of physicians who still believe that impotence is largely psychological in origin which prevents acceptable results.

These things are responsible for the fact that most cases of erectile dysfunction, as it is known by urologists, are not detected and the few which are detected are not properly managed. Surprisingly, many people hold the view that impotency is incurable due to their belief that the root cause is psychological in nature. This is very sad because most of the psychological causes of impotence cases are most curable.

Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, has always been considered a common disorder of middle-aged men. American studies suggest that 52% of men 40 to 70 years old have erectile dysfunction and yet only a fraction of them are diagnosed with the problem.

All or Nothing

Contrary to popular belief, the confusion is not an “all or nothing” matter. Laymen and even some doctors believe that a man can have trouble achieving an erection that is not good quality, or not at all. Nothing can be further from the truth. The majority of men who have erectile dysfunction can get an erection, but it is just not rigid or durable enough. Therefore, erectile dysfunction is a much better term (which refers to a partial disorder) than impotence (which means total failure). Many people are unaware that, in most cases, the problem also causes mental disorders and disturbances of potency.

However, this trend is changing slowly but surely. The change is largely due to the fact that, in recent years, advanced research in urology and andrology has shown that 80-90% of chronic disorders of potency were not a soul but a body disease. The reasons can be found in modern urology-andrology research which defined and often successfully treated individuals without using psychological methods.

In such an age where almost all branches of medicine are experiencing enormous progress, it is surprising that research concerning the male reproductive system is not so well known.

Primary Causes of Impotence:

Primary impotence (congenital – present at birth)

Secondary impotence (after years of normal sex)

Secondary Causes of Impotence:

Diabetes mellitus

Hypertension (high blood pressure)


Kidney Disease

Heart failure

Neurological disorders, multiple sclerosis, stroke, paraplegia

Injury: Pool, Gati trauma

Injuries (chronic): Competitive cycling

Surgery, rectum, bladder, retroperitoneal fibrosis, spine, urethra, prostate, etc

Local changes: Peyronie’s disease

Medication: Hypertension drugs, gastric ulcers, central nervous system drugs

The History

Two determining factors for the erroneous thinking concerning impotence can be distinguished. Throughout history, most societies were patriarchal and structured around the dominant male. The male ego cannot admit that something is wrong. Ironically, these are the same men who explored the female reproductive system and helped develop the special field of gynecology which does not include looking at male sexual problems.

The second reason is that the teachings of Sigmund Freud were misunderstood. This led to the incorrect conclusion that man’s sexual problems are rooted in the soul.

Types of Impotence

Coronary Artery Disease and Erectile Dysfunction

Arterial Origin:

Arterial failure is when the penile arteries do not supply enough blood to create or maintain an erection. This is due to the narrowing of the arteries which commonly occurs in older people.

Hypertonic stress can result from diabetes or genital injury and afterwards the penis can be damaged arterially. This latter often occurs at a young age. The injury may be acute or chronic such as occurs in a car or a pool accident where a pubic bone fracture occurs. The latter is common in competitive bicycle racing. The pelvic and pubic areas receive constant irritation and micro trauma occurs. Scars are created which then cause erosion of the arteries in these areas.

Impotence of arterial origin is detected only later under thorough examination. It is only then that signs of the narrowing of the arteries are observed.

venous origin as a cause for erectile dysfunction

Venous Origin:

A penile erection cannot be completed due to the escape of blood via the draining veins. Normally, the veins of an erected penis are almost completely emptied of blood. This mechanism causes the blood to collect in the sinus of the penis, increasing the necessary pressure to develop an erection.

There are men whose potency is derived from venous disorders (primary) at birth. These men can never have a perfect erection in their lives. Other male potency disorders occur from venous origins after years of normal sex (secondary).

penis anatomy neurogenis causes for erectile dysfunction


The nerve supply to the penis is very sophisticated and complicated. The proper flow of impulses is very important in causing erections and sustainability. These nerves trigger the arteries and veins of the circulatory system to change the rhythm of blood flow.

Nerve supply to the penis is a very fragile system. Spinal injuries, particularly if the spinal cord is affected, may interfere with potency. The same can occur from other physical damage to the penis nerves, i.e. after trauma.

Certain surgeries which are performed in the pelvic area might also result in either psychological or nerve damage. Erectile dysfunction and impotence can be caused by the resulting confusion. Such surgeries which may cause this condition are rectum, prostate, spine and radical bladder surgery.

Diabetes is an insidious disease that largely affects the nerves of the penis and causes erectile dysfunction. Low sugar is extremely common in potency disorders with their proportions reaching 50% of those having diabetes. Diabetes is a treatable but not curable disease in today’s medical world and it endures through the life of the patient. Therefore, diabetic impotence can only be treated but not cured (except for replacement).

Endocrine (hormonal) Origin:

This occurs when normal hormonal balance is swayed to an unbalanced ratio of sex hormones. Such a case occurs in 5-10% of impotence sufferers. Recent clinical research, however, has shown that hormone levels change because of the libido (sexual desire manifested in the mind) has a negative impact on an erection.

Mixed factors - diabetes and hypertension as a cause for erectile dysfunction

Mixed Factors:

Sometimes, several factors may be present in the same patient simultaneously. It should be noted that multiple disorders such as diabetes, liver or kidney problems and high blood pressure can work together in causing impotence.

Also, central nervous system medications used to treat secondary psychiatric disorders such as depression can cause erectile dysfunction.

Psychic Origin:

When no organic factor is present and the only problem is rooted in the soul, this is called psychic origin of potency disorder. However, urology and andrology techniques are necessary to exclude the presence of an organic cause prior to psychological treatment.

Natural Erectile Dysfunction Remedies

Being at the peak of their sexual prowess is a matter of pride and satisfaction for many men. However, every once in a while they can suffer from a case of erectile dysfunction, which prevents satisfactory or any kind of sexual intercourse with a partner. In such cases, trying some erectile dysfunction remedies is a good idea. Depending on the cause of the problem, there are a number of remedies available.

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Psychological Causes

For a number of men, being under mental pressure or facing psychological distress can lead to erectile dysfunction. It starts off with performance anxiety, which can gradually escalate into further issues. At this time, erectile dysfunction remedies are best used in a way that can soothe the mind and body both.

Men who suffer from depression and accompanying issues such as low self esteem or a sense of worthlessness are frequently diagnosed as having erectile dysfunction. If there is no sense of worth, then the libido tends to suffer. Over a longer period of time, this becomes chronic in nature. Usually, such factors enhance the existing effect of physical factors behind dysfunction. In such cases, erectile dysfunction remedies are used towards modification of the emotional buildup.

Stress tends to increase the loss of libido in men, which prevents them enjoying a fulfilling sex life. Often enough, a number of failures occuring in business or other inter-personal relationships makes men feel impotent. It produces an emotional reaction which is acccompaniesd by a pressured mind. Such anxiety and stress can manifest itself into performance anxiety. This usually ends with a case of premature ejaculation, that slowly turns into a vicious cycle.

Physiological Causes

An erection occurs when blood moves towards the pelvic region of the body and moves into the penis. When the muscle becomes engorged with blood, it becomes stiff and hard. However, certain physical illnesses or physiological problems can interfere with the flow. Erectile dysfunction remedies take into account such causes and then provide the best possible treatment.

Vascular disease often accounts for erectile dysfunction in a number of men. Because of the disorder, the arteries that carry blood tend to become hard and narrow down. As a result, the overall flow is reduced to the penis. In fact, many men above the age of 50 years may find this to be their cause. Having diabetes and high cholesterol levels are conditions that further aggravate the disease. Smoking has also been linked to arteriosclerosis, which prevents the blood from flowing naturally. And so, erectile dysfunction remedies often take into account lifestyle changes.

Many of the medications and drugs that are prescribed for common ailments may be the cause of erectile dysfunction. In such cases, the excessive use of the medication or simply the side effects lowers libido and prevents an erection from forming fully. Anxiety and stress combines with the lowered drive and leads to dysfunction. Simple erectile dysfunction remedies for such a cause are geared towards making a change in the medication and reducing the usage as much as possible. It is best to consult a doctor during this time.

A number of nerves in the pelvic region are necessary for an erection to occur. If any kind of pelvic trauma or injury takes place that temporarily or permanently damages these nerves, then erectile dysfunction occurs. This could occur due to a sudden fall or injury, as well as being a side effect of surgery in the colon, bladder, rectum or the prostate region.

Home Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

Checking Your Prescription – If you have been prescribed medication for a disorder or various other problems for over a year, it may be time to check the prescription. A high dosage is usually not required after a few months if the condition is under check. Excessive usage may lead to erectile dysfunction, something that you should talk to your doctor about.

Learning To Relax – Living a stressed out life, full of anxieties at work and home is not conducive to a happy or active sexual life. Being able to relax and remove the worries from your mind is one of the best erectile dysfunction remedies. One simple way to do this is by practicing breathing exercises. Similar to yoga, but the main aim is to bring yourself into focus and concentrate on remaining peaceful. Exercising regularly can also help in the process. Talk short and brisk walks in a calm area instead of heading to the gym. It should allow the mind to focus elsewhere.

Reducing Performance Anxiety – Being quite drunk or simply being under a lot of stress can lead to an occasional case of erectile dysfunction. However, it can reduce the confidence of a man and become a cycle in which the anxiety to perform becomes the cause of the failure to do so. Honest communication with your partner at this time is one of the best erectile dysfunction remedies. Instead of immediate sexual intercourse, start from simple forms of foreplay and build yourself up to the point of having intercourse.

At this time, don’t be afraid to break away from routine and try out something new and different. New positions can be of great help, especially if you are suffering from pelvic injuries or trauma. Such kind of behavior modification allows the men to put away their anxiety and concentrate on the pleasure of being with their partner.

Sexual Enhancement Medication – Till the anxiety remains, men can try using medication such as Viagra to help them achieve an erection. It is one of the popular erectile dysfunction remedies since it allows the man to concentrate on themselves instead of the disorder.

Natural Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

If you’re still looking for some natural remedies that can help with the erectile dysfunction, you are in luck. Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can bring about a world of difference in your sexual health. Some of these are quite simple to follow. Considering how alcohol has a negative effect on the erection, make sure you don’t drink a few hours before having sexual intercourse. The same goes for smoking and heavy exercising.

As far as lifestyle changes go, there are some things that can be done different. Exchange your tight, form fitting jeans for loose pants or trousers instead. Too much pressure on the pelvic region can make the blood ways constrict for a short while. Keep your laptop as far away from the pelvis as possible. Since the laptops generate a great deal of heat, they may damage the sperm which are supposed to mature at 2 to 3 degrees lower to the body temperature.

Among the many different herbs and natural food items that can affect sexual health, garlic makes for wonderful erectile dysfunction remedies. Many nutritionists believe that having two or three cloves cooked well and consumed before a meal can be of great benefit. Herbs such as Ashwagandha have been known to improve potency and stamina in bed as well.

The main idea behind utilizing natural remedies and cures is to provide a back up for the medication or behavior therapy that a doctor can prescribe. For most men under the age of 50, the problem does clear up on its own after a while. However, being well versed with the erectile dysfunction remedies is a boon that they can utilize well.

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