Top 8 means of different types for prolonging sexual intercourse men

Top 8 means of different types for prolonging sexual intercourse men


In this article, we will talk about the best means for prolonging a man’s sexual intercourse, collected from reviews of urologists and leading experts.

First, consider the common causes of misfires in bed.

Reasons for a fast finish

  • If for a long time there was no girl and intimacy, then it is impossible to avoid a quick completion of the session.
  • Inability is correct breathe also leads to a fiasco in bed.
  • If the body is all tense, because restraints energy cannot circulate freely, it accumulates in one place and the forced moment of discharge occurs.
  • Due to the hypersensitivity of your instrument of enjoyment.
  • Weak muscles the pelvis, lack of their tone, no time for sports or a sedentary lifestyle due to work.
  • Decreased testosterone or change affects hormonal background, the onset of menopause (not everyone knows about how menopause manifests itself in older men).
  • Discomfort due to improper choice of place, due to the presence of strangers nearby, bright light, excess pressure and others external factors misfire in bed.
  • Disruptions in the cardiovascular or endocrine system.
  • If everyday is present stress, I don’t want anything after work, a depressed state every day.
  • If a person has obesity problems, there is a thick stomach (this also indicates low testosterone).
  • Injuries lower back, the spine cause you to be doomed to misfire (these and other new causes of the incident were also mentioned earlier here).

The use of funds to increase sexual intercourse and the duration of love games is absolutely normal. They are divided into only 4 species.

What groups of drugs emit

There are 4 main groups of prolongators for stamina in bed:

  1. Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors regulate the process at the level of the brain stem. The onset of the finish in bed directly depends on the amount of this mediator in the synapses. Inhibitors increase its concentration, hence the time of intercourse becomes longer. Characterized by high tolerance by the body.
  2. NO synthase activators lead to relaxation of smooth muscles, the best filling of your instrument of blood with pleasure, and improvement of libido. Do not affect the general pressure, do not increase blood flow in the heart.
  3. Testosterone preparations directly contain male hormone or substances that stimulate its production. They are used only if a man’s level of testosterone is below normal. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. They include biologically active additives that are part of the plant structure. The following components are used: lemongrass, ginseng, pantocrine. There is no evidence base for effectiveness.

Before you learn about the name of the means of prolonging sexual intercourse, read the contraindications.

Who is not recommended to use, contraindications

It is not recommended to use prolongators in the presence of the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • leukemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers.

8 great ways to solve the problem

Top remedy for long proximity

1. Popular pills

1. Eroforce Capsules

  • pros. Eroforce capsules stabilize the hormonal background of a man, increase the libido and blood supply of your friend. Excellent help develop stamina in bed and control over the finish.
  • Features. Unlike other drugs, they are 100% safe, do not cause side effects.
  • Application. You can buy and take without consulting a doctor. Use 10 minutes before the start of intercourse.

2. Kapikachhu

  • Kapikachhu (Kapikachhu) is a strong aphrodisiac.
  • pros. It tones the nerve endings throughout the body, in your instrument of pleasure in particular. Increases libido. Helps to increase the amount of seed and improve its quality on the part of reproductive function.
  • To achieve a result accept systematically: in the morning and in the evening on a tablet.

3. Speman

  • Speman takes off overexcitation. Stimulates seed production. Relieves stasis in the prostate gland, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • If you choose this tool, so as not to end long and «stay fit», it is recommended to take it systematically in 2 tablets 3 times for a day.

4. Dapoxetine

Dapoxetine (Dapoxetine) delays the onset of the finish line, improves the coitus several times. Take a pill for half an hour.

Accepted systematically in order to avoid the risks of premature termination of the session.

It has no adverse reactions.

5. Cialis

  • Cialis is also written in English. «Cialis». The active substance in it is sildenafil. It helps to expand the cavernous bodies and better fill them with blood.
  • the effect lasts about a day. A tablet is taken, after which proximity is possible throughout the day.

6. Super P-force

It relaxes the smooth muscles of male dignity and improves blood circulation, delays the moment of discharge.

Use in an hour before intercourse. It has a wide range of contraindications.

7. Impaza

  • Promotes blood supply to the corpus cavernosum, increases libido. Frequent use normalizes testosterone levels.
  • Usually take 1 tablet 2 hours before marriage games and one more in an hour. For the prevention and maintenance of combat readiness, an organ is used for 6 months.

8. Ziden

The relaxing effect occurs only after stimulation. The effect is like «Impaz».

It is advisable to apply for half an hour before intercourse. The action persists throughout the day.

9. Laveron

  • Laveron (Loveron) aims to normalize blood flow in manhood. This tool for long sex without prior excitement does not affect libido. Does not affect the cardiovascular system.
  • Use for 40-60 minutes before the start of intercourse.

10. Avanafil

  • Avanafil (Avanafil) leads to relaxation of smooth muscles, the cavernous bodies are better filled blood. As a result, a natural strong elevated state arises.
  • Taken for 15-20 minutes before intercourse. Unlike other drugs, it can be taken with food.

11. Dynamic

  • Accept in an hour. Has a hypotensive effect that affects the smooth muscles of your cowboy.
  • Often causes a headache and temporarily impairs vision. These are the pills for the treatment of rapid ejaculation.

2. Sprays for delaying a fiasco in bed

What is the essence of sprays

Sprays have in their composition lidocaine.

He is for a while reduces surface sensitivity of dignity, which delays the onset of premature misfire.

How to apply them

  1. Spray is applied to the end of your gun when it is in high condition.
  2. Then the spray is washed off with water through 10-15 minutes or just putting on contraceptives.
  3. It is not recommended to start horizontal dancing immediately after application, as this can lead to numbness female body.

Spray Examples

  • Spray M-16 in its composition has additional substances (Mg, L-arginine, glycine, guarana), which increase the sensitivity of the organ, the production of testosterone. It has a tonic effect on the whole body, antiviral effect. The action lasts about 12 hours after application. Compatible with alcohol.
  • PEINEILI Men Spray – with its use, restoration of organ cells is possible. You can control the moment of discharge. No addiction. Effect Duration – about 40 minutes.

Other means for long intercourse and continuation «banquet» are creams.

3. Special creams

  1. What is the essence of creams and their advantages? The advantage of creams for long coition is a tangible effect after application. They also improve blood circulation in the male organ.
  2. Application Tips and applying creams. It can be used both before the onset of intimacy, and used for prophylaxis in smaller doses. Apply in small volumes to the organ and rub.

What substances are the basis of creams

The composition of different creams often has the same basis:

  1. emulsion wax;
  2. ginger resin oil;
  3. zinc oxide;
  4. ginseng extract;
  5. carbomer;
  6. chestnut extract;
  7. ginko biloba;
  8. vitamins E, C;
  9. rosemary;
  10. green tea extract.

Example – cream MaxiSize

Let’s look at the example of MaxiSize cream. This cream gives a stable result after several weeks of prevention.

It includes:

  • amino acids that increase the elasticity of the skin of your organ;
  • collagen increases its elasticity;
  • triethanolamine helps delay misfires in bed.

4. Lubricants or lubricants

What is their essence

  1. What are they like? Usually have a gel-like appearance. Lubricants are often called lubricants.
  2. Structure. They are made on the basis of water, oil or silicone.
  3. Application. Lubricant is applied to the hands, and then to the organ. After proximity, grease should be washed off.

There are greases that are used as a means, so as not to quickly finish their business in the bedroom. But they also have a number of other functions.

Lubricant Functions

  • moisturize mucous membrane, which protects against surface injuries and irritation;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • freeze reaction and susceptibility of dignity during intercourse, which helps to stay longer in bed (other techniques for removing sensitivity are also described in another publication).

What other types of lubricants are

  1. prolonged;
  2. exciting
  3. moisturizing.

Example – Sico grease

Let’s take Sico as an example.

This grease is on glycerin and water-based. Additionally in her structure Lactic acid and aloe extract are included.

It has a balanced pH level and does not stain clothes.

We talked about the treatment of premature ejaculation and similar techniques from the video earlier.

5. Special rings

  • What is the essence rings? These devices are also called erection rings. Their main function – compression of the organ at the base. Due to this, the blood in the cavernous bodies is located for a long time, which preserves the state of alertness of dignity. It resembles a tourniquet.
  • How to choose and use them? Rings are made of different materials and some contribute to the appearance of contrasting sensations in women. It is necessary to choose or adjust the size so that the ring does not slip. Before use, the ring and skin should be lubricated with a lubricant.
  • Contraindications. Such a tool for a long erection and standing your «the sun» You can not wear more than half an hour! Take off after 30 minutes to normalize blood flow, otherwise impair blood circulation and the work of the organ itself. You can always find other ways to maintain dignity in high condition without risk to health.
  • Subtleties. If you use contraceptives during intercourse, putting on the ring is very careful not to tear the latex.
  • To avoid personal injury newcomers who use the ring for the first time should take the device from a soft and flexible material.

What types of rings are

Depending on the effects, there are different types:

  1. Simple. Only worn on your dignity.
  2. Double. The male organ itself and the parts adjacent to it can also cover.
  3. With stimulant female organs. It is made of a special material that brings an additional pleasant feeling to the partner.
  4. With vibration. There is front vibration for female organs, and rear – for the corresponding hole.

Who is contraindicated for use

It is contraindicated to use the stronger sex in the presence of the following injuries and diseases:

  • if there is inguinal hernia;
  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • with pathological narrowing of the extreme flesh;
  • in the presence of infectious inflammation of dignity.

A new prolongator so as not to end your beloved for a long time

6. Special contraceptives

There are 3 main types of special condoms used as a means to prolong sexual intercourse and increase the time for caressing with a loved one.

  1. Ribbed. Tightly adhere to the skin of dignity, squeezing it slightly. This contributes to better blood supply and maintaining an elevated state.
  2. Anesthetically soaked. Anesthetic impregnates the inner surface, this type is more effective. Often they use benzocaine as the main substance. This helps to reduce the sensitivity of the organ. Anesthetic-soaked should not be worn for longer than 30-40 minutes and should not be used too often. Otherwise, this can lead to a pathological decrease in sensitivity for a long time.
  3. Thick. The thicker the contraceptive, the better the isolation and the sensitivity of the male organ decreases. Thanks to this, the finish comes a little later than usual. Wearing it, you can also apply techniques and techniques from Taoists in parallel.

Examples from different representatives

  • Ganzo Long Love;
  • Contex Long Love;
  • Durex Long Play;
  • Durex Dual Extase.

7. Natural products

There are also some natural products with which you can stay in bed longer.

What foods emit

  1. Propolis and Raw Honey contain a large number of hormonal substances in order to improve the condition of reproduction by the man. Honey will also be useful for those who need to increase potency with folk remedies.
  2. Wheat oil. It does not need to be drunk or rubbed into the body. It contains endomorphine, which enhances arousal by inhaling the aroma of the oil. Acts on the male pituitary gland. Doing this is immediately before intercourse.
  3. Oak bark rich in thiamine, which dulls the work of nerve endings. The finish moves away in time. To prepare the broth, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dry oak bark into a glass. Pour boiling water, cover and let stand for about an hour. Take for a week to get a result.
  4. Cornflowers. Cornflower tincture is also considered a folk remedy for prolonging a man’s sexual intercourse. They contain centuarine, which has a prolonging effect. Tincture should be done according to the same recipe as with oak bark.
  5. Currant and Raspberry Leaves rich in feliamine. It slows the onset of the X moment. Greens can be added to salads, sandwiches, or eat separately.
  6. Ginseng root It stimulates the body and maintains combat readiness dignity. You can add 1-2 tablespoons to regular tea or another drink. Take 15-20 minutes before starting closeness.
  7. Kiwi It is rich in antioxidants that stimulate testosterone production in the stronger sex.
  8. Banana has tryptophan, which in the body is processed to serotonin. It enhances self-esteem, confidence. With the help of this fruit, impotence, having a psychogenic origin, is treated.
  9. Figs is a strong aphrodisiac. It stimulates attraction to the opposite sex.

Pros of taking natural products

  • In general, proper and healthy systematic nutrition keeps the whole body in good shape.
  • The above natural gifts affect the normal functioning of the male organ, its full blood supply, and control over the finish.
  • Products also have a direct impact on the ability of dignity to maintain an elevated state.

In addition to the listed most effective means for prolonging sexual intercourse for a man, it will be useful to know several special techniques.

8. Useful techniques and advice from practicing masters

  1. Relax your body. Try to avoid any tension in the body and muscles. Do not strain your body yourself anywhere. It can be worth straining the buttocks, arms, or other parts of the body of the pelvic area, as your night is forced to come to an end. This is an important nuance.
  2. Do not breathe often. From time to time, monitor the intensity of your inhalations and exhalations, do not breathe quickly. If you do not have enough air at all, it is better to stop your frictions, pause and restore your breathing normally. Otherwise, you are doomed to failure.
  3. Change focus attention to abstract things. For example, shift your focus to your neck or eyes. Look at the point in the wall, at the partner’s earlobe. Being distracted, you redirect energy from the bottom to other areas. If you are thinking about not ruining everything, then this is likely to happen. After all, if you are concentrated on one of your weapons, then all the energy will accumulate around it and it will be difficult to hold out for a long time.
  4. Run often outdoors. Overcoming yourself in the fresh air increases your stamina not only on the street, but also in bed. In addition, the blood flow in the pelvis will improve.
  5. Morning technique. When you woke up in the morning and you still hold on «solstice» buddy, make him bounce using the pubic-coccygeal muscle. Hands are not involved. To begin with, make 100 bounces, and then every day add to the amount of 10% from the previous day.
  6. Squat. Regular squats disperse blood in the pelvis well, make it a habit to do this in the morning. Start small, don’t overdo it at first.
  7. Bad posture. Know that in the pose when you are lying on top, the hardest thing is to delay the finish. Here you rather, on the contrary, force the finish.

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